
There are exceptions to this rule ((e.g. libraries used for testing), but 
the general result of the thread is that all python libraries imported by 
the drivers must conform to OpenStack licensing. That includes Apache and 
several other licenses (e.g. MIT, LGPL).


On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:23 AM, Thierry Carrez <> 
Alon Marx wrote:
> Thank you ALL for clearing up this issue.
> To sum up the discussion (not going into too many details):
> From legal stand point, if one uses python libraries they should be part
> of the community or confirming with the relevant licenses
> (


Its not clear to me what you mean with this sentence. You mean, 'all 
python library that is included from the drivers must conform to OpenStack 
licensing (i.e. Apache License)'?


If one is
> not using python libraries (e.g. rest, command line, etc.) the
> non-python executable is considered legitimate wherever it is running.
> From deployment stand point the desire is to have any piece of code that
> is required on an openstack installation would be easily downloadable.
> We understand the requirements now and are working on a plan taking both
> considerations into account.

I wouldn't say that the situation is cleared up -- we still need to get
our act together and present a more uniform response to that question
across multiple projects. But AFAICT your summary accurately represents
the current Cinder team position on that matter.

I hope we'll be able to hold a cross-project workshop on that question
in Barcelona, so that we further clear up what is appropriate in-tree,
as a separate project team and as an external project, across all of

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)


Alon Marx 
Infrastructure and OpenStack Team Leader 
Cloud Storage Solutions 
IBM Systems 
Phone: (+972) 3 689 7824 | E-mail: 

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