Greetings OpenStack community,

This week's meeting of the working group talked about the discussion at the API-WG 
"birds of a feather" at last week's summit in Barcelona. Thanks to everyone who 
showed up for that. I hope it was interesting and useful. Also thanks very much to all 
the people who participated in the API UX feedback sessions[8]. Piet has gathered the raw 
data together and will be producing a digested summary soon. From looking at the raw data 
it is clear people get a lot of value out of the APIs and while we still have work to do 
to make them excellent, the directions we're moving to do so (e.g., consistency, better 
error information) are good.

There are a few new guidelines and newly frozen guidelines this week. See 
below. Thanks to everyone who has helped to create and refine those.

# New guidelines

There are no new guidelines that have been merged this week.

# API guidelines that have been recently merged

No recent guidelines.

  # API guidelines proposed for freeze

The following guidelines are available for broader review by interested 
parties. These will be merged in one week if there is no further feedback.

* Add guidelines for complex queries

* Specify time intervals based filtering queries

* Clarify why CRUD is not a great descriptor

# Guidelines currently under review [6]

* Define pagination guidelines

* WIP Add API capabilities discovery guideline

# API Impact reviews currently open

Reviews marked as APIImpact [1] are meant to help inform the working group 
about changes which would benefit from wider inspection by group members and 
liaisons. While the working group will attempt to address these reviews 
whenever possible, it is highly recommended that interested parties attend the 
API WG meetings [2] to promote communication surrounding their reviews.

To learn more about the API WG mission and the work we do, see OpenStack API 
Working Group [3].

Thanks for reading and see you next week!


Chris Dent               ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ)
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent
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