Greetings OpenStack community,

Some good attendance and discussion this week. For many months the API-WG has been 
claiming that it would try to review any commit that contained an 'APIImpact' tag. This 
has proven impractical so instead of maintaining a task on our list that we know we're 
not going to do, we've decided to make it official that we aren't doing that anymore (see 
below about "Highlighting your API impacting issues"). Though APIImpact is 
still meaningful within the projects that use it, it should no longer be considered a bat 
signal for the API-WG.

We also discussed the continued ambiguity of when to use a 404 or a 400 
response code when making an incorrect reference to a resource in the body of a 
request. A cinder review[4] started the conversation and the conversation 
(resolving to use 400) led to a proposed adjustment to the guidelines[5].

# New guidelines

No newly merged guidelines this week.

# API guidelines that have been recently merged

Nothing in the recent past.

# API guidelines proposed for freeze

Guidelines that are ready for wider review by the whole community.

* Add the operator for "not in" to the filter guideline

# Guidelines currently under review [3]

Both of these are going to require quite a bit of input from a wide audience. 
Both have been tried a few times in the past.

* Define pagination guidelines
  This one is a bit stuck, any volunteers to pick it up?

* Add API capabilities discovery guideline

# Highlighting your API impacting issues

If you seek further review and insight from the API WG, please address your concerns in 
an email to the OpenStack developer mailing list[1] with the tag "[api]" in the 
subject. In your email, you should include any relevant reviews, links, and comments to 
help guide the discussion of the specific challenge you are faciing.

To learn more about the API WG mission and the work we do, see OpenStack API 
Working Group [2].

Thanks for reading and see you next week!

## References


Meeting Agenda
Past Meeting Records
Open Bugs

Chris Dent                 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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