Sean M. Collins wrote:
Joshua Harlow wrote:
So I don't want to start to much of a flame-war and am really just trying to
understand things that may be beyond me (so treat me nicely, ha).

The basic question that I've been wondering revolves around the following
kind of 'thought experiment' that asks something along the lines of:

If I am a user of openstack, say I'm an iphone developer, trying to get my
'game' and associated 'game APIs' setup in a manner that is HA (say fronted
by a load-balancer), using my custom image, secure and visible to either an
intranet or to the large internet then what is the steps I would have to do
when interacting with openstack to accomplish this and what would the
provider of openstack have to give to me as endpoints to make this possible.

We have a guide that sort of fits this usecase:

The networking section, can always use improvement:

Interesting good to know that this exists; though I still have this weird gut feeling that the following isn't really what people want to be doing (though they may have to just because that is what it is):

$ openstack network list
$ openstack network create worker_network
$ openstack network create webserver_network
$ openstack subnet create webserver_subnet --network webserver_network --subnet-range
$ openstack network create api_network
$ openstack subnet create api_subnet --network api_network --subnet-range
$ openstack floating ip create public (1st floating IP)
$ openstack floating ip create public (2nd floating IP)
$ openstack router create project_router
$ openstack router set project_router --external-gateway public
$ openstack router add subnet project_router worker_subnet
$ openstack router add subnet project_router api_subnet
$ openstack router add subnet project_router webserver_subnet

And then:

$ nova boot --flavor m1.tiny --image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk --nic net-id=953224c6-c510-45c5-8a29-37deffd3d78e worker1

ANNND then:

$ openstack network list
$ nova boot --flavor 1 --image 53ff0943-99ba-42d2-a10d-f66656372f87 --min-count 2 test $ openstack floating ip create public --fixed-ip-address --port 523331cf-5636-4298-a14c-f545bb32abcf $ openstack floating ip create public --fixed-ip-address --port 462c92c6-941c-48ab-8cca-3c7a7308f580
$ neutron lb-member-create --address --protocol-port 80 mypool
$ neutron lb-member-create --address --protocol-port 80 mypool

ANDDDD then:

........... (how many more are there, woah)

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