On 20/01/17 01:40, Mike Perez wrote:
> On 17:38 Jan 18, Morales, Victor wrote:
>> Just a FYI, Ankur have been working on have a Feature Classification Matrix
>> in Neutron[1] which collects some of this information
>> [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/318192/
> I actually didn't know Nova also generated this with a script and ini file.
> Perhaps this would be a better approach than a giant JSON file like driver log
> is today. I could then have the marketplace parse these ini files using the
> common script. What do others think?

FWIW Designate also does this - [0] is generated by [1] and a modified
version of the Nova script.

If there is a common way, we will use that, but I like our current

0 - http://docs.openstack.org/developer/designate/support-matrix.html
1 -

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