On 03/04/15 17:57, Monty Taylor wrote:
On 04/03/2015 11:44 AM, Michael Krotscheck wrote:
>This proposal is all well and good, however (no offense intended) Monty's
>got a history of putting out neat proposals and leaving "someone else" to
>support it. Without identifying a dedicated person/resource that will
>maintain phabricator, any discussion is moot.
This is actually an excellent point - and one of the reasons that
"running our own Launchpad" is not being suggested. It has been
communicated that the operational burden of running a launchpad is
extensive and WOULD require dedicated resources.

I propose that we not have any developers dedicated to developing

I propose that the infra-team as a whole would support and maintain it -
similar to how we support and maintain gerrit, jenkins, etherpad, ELK,
graphite, cgit, mailman, and soon zanata - which are all substantial
pieces of software that we did not write ourselves. Since phabricator is
actually designed and intended to be able to be run CD from master, the
overall operational cost should not be particularly harder than any of
the rest of the software we run.


One of the reason Wikimedia migrated from Bugzilla to Phabricator is that it is a PHP application and we have a ton of PHP developers. With OpenStack being all python, maintaining a PHP application might add to your operations burden.

As you said in your initial mail, building a bug tracker is not in OpenStack infra team core duties. May I add that hosting such app is probably not either?

Phabricator was build for Facebook internal usage but has spawn in its own little company known as Phacility. They seem to provide hosting service which would save you from having to maintain it. Might end up being cheaper than adding workload to the current team / hire one more.

Hosting infos:  http://www.phabricator.org/hosting/
Staff page: http://phacility.com/about/

We have invited Evan Priestley at the Wikimedia office to present us Phabricator. Might be worth getting in touch with them and organize a quick tour and find out what they can offer.

Antoine "hashar" Musso

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