So ... to summarize, we found 3 different issues:

1. Races on httpd_mod -> httpd_mod is a custom type, relying on ruby code. It has a clear race, that is shown on all of our manifests using that. If you use httpd_mod to install new apache modules, they won't be applied until apache is restarted manually. Reason is that the manifest installs the apache package, and just after that does a start of the apache service, without considering other extra configurations needed (httpd_mod in that case).

2. httpd_mod is not valid for Centos/RHEL systems. There is a change proposed to fix this behaviour in internal types: But really all our manifests using httpd_mod should be applying this patch as well. Also, manual workarounds are needed to install mods on CentOS:
puppetlabs-apache does the job internally, allowing to pass related packages to the apache::mod construction:

3. Module does not offer possibilities for adding extra configuration files, need to be done manually such as on: puppetlabs-apache module is offering that:

And the short term solution for each problem will be:

1 and 2 -> Create an httpd::mod defined type that is a wrapper of the original httpd_mod, as done on This wrapper should add the before (and notify?) calls , as well as skipping the call to httpd_mod in centos case ( <>. This is a good solution, but will involve a rewrite on all our manifests, to replace httpd_mod
calls by httpd::mod as done on

3 -> we should take a look at , get inspired by that, and add this bits to our httpd module.

In the long term i'm in favour for puppetlabs-apache migration, but that can be an independent discussion.

Do we agree on this plan?


El 28/08/15 a las 03:08, Jeremy Stanley escribió:
On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 5:38 PM, Spencer Krum <> wrote:
In that case I would recommend either before => Package['httpd'] or before
=> Class['httpd::install']. (The second one requires us to create that
class, but this is a pattern used by many modules to expose exactly this
kind of hooks into the dependency graph).
Do you maybe mean "after => Package['httpd']" there? The directories
we want to put these files in won't exist until the package
installation completes. We just want to make sure we notify the
service after the files get installed.

Anyway, I'm willing to give this another shot. I will admit I took
the easy way out in my patch and just puppeted the needed
directories after I ran up against Puppet complaining about a
circular dep tree calculation.

Yolanda Robla Mota
Cloud Automation and Distribution Engineer
+34 605641639

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