On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Ying Chun Guo <guoyi...@cn.ibm.com> wrote:
> Hello, openstack-infra team
> I'm going to start to work of translation check website.
> The spec is
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/infra-specs/tree/specs/translation_check_site.rst
> Akihiro MOTOKI has created some scripts/configuration files to set up a
> personal check website used by Japanese team.
> I think I could refer to his work, change the scripts/config as needed, and
> set up the check website on top of Openstack infra.
> I have a few questions about how to set up these scripts/config.
> Please help to guide me to finish this work.
> 1. Which repo and which folder should I add those scripts/config files ?
> The scripts are in https://github.com/amotoki/horizon-i18n-tools.
> These scripts are used to pull translations, and change the language drop
> down list of Horizon.

I'll bring this up at the -infra meeting on Tuesday so others can look
at this thread and chime in, but we have a couple options here.

These scripts can either be put in your new i18n repository,
particularly if they'll be broadly useful to other people:


Or they can be included in the puppet-translations_checksite project
that we create (more below).

> The config files are in https://github.com/amotoki/ansible-i18n-devstack/
> They are Ansible jobs to pull devstack, populates local.conf, pulls
> horizon-i18n-tools and setup a cron to retrieve the latest translation.
> I think I need to change the codes as needed, and then upload them to
> somewhere.
> Does openstack infra use Ansible ?

Not for service deployment, we'll need to do this in Puppet.

You can use both Akihiro's instructions and also look at how we deploy
devstack ourselves using devstack-gate
https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/tree/ in
order to come up with a puppet module that runs all the commands we

> Where to store them ?

We'll want to create an infra puppet module specifically for this
project. You can look at the puppet-infra-cookiecutter module as an

> 2. When pulling the latest translations, there are two choices.
> One is to pull from Horizon repo, the other is to pull from Zanata.
> Which one do you suggest ? Lyz may help to answer this question.
> If pulling from Zanata, could I get a sample of script to install Zanata
> client ?

In order for this check site to be as useful as possible, we'll want
to pull them from Zanata just like Akihiro used to do with Transifex
on his instance.

Documentation for the zanata-cli can be found here:

In the puppet manifest you'll want to make sure you install the zanata
client, you can see a Puppet example of including the client on a
system here: 

Some of the translations scripts we've written can be found in
project-config jenkins scripts (see ones that include "translation" in
the script name):

> 3. How to get a machine to set up the website ?

Once the puppet module is complete, you'll contact one of us on the
infra team (probably me) and I'll launch the server.

A couple notes:

1. We'll want to refresh this instance regularly (weekly?), so you'll
want a cron job to run unstack.sh weekly or so and then recreate the
devstack instance. We'll also want to keep an eye on how this goes,
since unstack.sh is not a perfect script and we may need to recreate
the instance from scratch now and then.

2. We also want to pull the translations regularly (daily?), so you'll
want a cron job to run the zanata-cli script for the translations in

> 4. How to get a domain name ? for example: translation-test.openstack.org ?

This will be created when I bring up the server in step 3. We don't
have a name for it yet, but should probably update the spec when we
decide upon one.

Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2

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