I will be happy since I speak italian so this could be a good option. 


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> Il giorno 28 dic 2015, alle ore 20:26, Terri Yu <te...@terriyu.info> ha 
> scritto:
> Hi Daisy,
> I'm interested in helping out with the translation check project.
> Last October, I was awarded a Women of OpenStack scholarship by HPE [1].  The 
> scholarship includes working on an OpenStack project under guided mentorship. 
>  My mentor is Liz Joseph (pleia2), and she suggested that I take a look at 
> this translation check project.  I have some previous OpenStack experience 
> with Ceilometer and I know Python, but I'm new to -infra and Puppet.
> I have some time to get started the first two weeks of January, but after 
> that, my spring semester in school will begin and I will probably only have 
> around 10 hours a week to work on OpenStack.  Liz said she'll be available to 
> help me.  The folks at Hewlett Packard aren't expecting me to implement any 
> major features.  They would simply like me to get more experience working on 
> OpenStack and have enough accomplished for a presentation in April.
> Are there any small tasks I can help you with?  Let me know if you think this 
> project would be appropriate for me.
> Sincerely,
> Terri Yu
> [1] 
> http://community.hpe.com/t5/Grounded-in-the-Cloud/Congratulations-to-the-Women-of-OpenStack-Scholarship-Recipients/ba-p/6806417#.VoIIyPkrJaQ
>> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 3:01 PM, Elizabeth K. Joseph <l...@princessleia.com> 
>> wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 19, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Ying Chun Guo <guoyi...@cn.ibm.com> wrote:
>> > Hello, openstack-infra team
>> >
>> > I'm going to start to work of translation check website.
>> > The spec is
>> > http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/infra-specs/tree/specs/translation_check_site.rst
>> >
>> > Akihiro MOTOKI has created some scripts/configuration files to set up a
>> > personal check website used by Japanese team.
>> > I think I could refer to his work, change the scripts/config as needed, and
>> > set up the check website on top of Openstack infra.
>> > I have a few questions about how to set up these scripts/config.
>> > Please help to guide me to finish this work.
>> >
>> > 1. Which repo and which folder should I add those scripts/config files ?
>> >
>> > The scripts are in https://github.com/amotoki/horizon-i18n-tools.
>> > These scripts are used to pull translations, and change the language drop
>> > down list of Horizon.
>> I'll bring this up at the -infra meeting on Tuesday so others can look
>> at this thread and chime in, but we have a couple options here.
>> These scripts can either be put in your new i18n repository,
>> particularly if they'll be broadly useful to other people:
>> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/i18n/
>> Or they can be included in the puppet-translations_checksite project
>> that we create (more below).
>> > The config files are in https://github.com/amotoki/ansible-i18n-devstack/
>> > They are Ansible jobs to pull devstack, populates local.conf, pulls
>> > horizon-i18n-tools and setup a cron to retrieve the latest translation.
>> >
>> > I think I need to change the codes as needed, and then upload them to
>> > somewhere.
>> > Does openstack infra use Ansible ?
>> Not for service deployment, we'll need to do this in Puppet.
>> You can use both Akihiro's instructions and also look at how we deploy
>> devstack ourselves using devstack-gate
>> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/tree/ in
>> order to come up with a puppet module that runs all the commands we
>> want.
>> > Where to store them ?
>> We'll want to create an infra puppet module specifically for this
>> project. You can look at the puppet-infra-cookiecutter module as an
>> example: 
>> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-infra-cookiecutter/tree/
>> > 2. When pulling the latest translations, there are two choices.
>> > One is to pull from Horizon repo, the other is to pull from Zanata.
>> > Which one do you suggest ? Lyz may help to answer this question.
>> > If pulling from Zanata, could I get a sample of script to install Zanata
>> > client ?
>> In order for this check site to be as useful as possible, we'll want
>> to pull them from Zanata just like Akihiro used to do with Transifex
>> on his instance.
>> Documentation for the zanata-cli can be found here:
>> http://docs.zanata.org/projects/zanata-client/en/latest/
>> In the puppet manifest you'll want to make sure you install the zanata
>> client, you can see a Puppet example of including the client on a
>> system here: 
>> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/proposal_slave.pp
>> Some of the translations scripts we've written can be found in
>> project-config jenkins scripts (see ones that include "translation" in
>> the script name):
>> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/scripts
>> > 3. How to get a machine to set up the website ?
>> Once the puppet module is complete, you'll contact one of us on the
>> infra team (probably me) and I'll launch the server.
>> A couple notes:
>> 1. We'll want to refresh this instance regularly (weekly?), so you'll
>> want a cron job to run unstack.sh weekly or so and then recreate the
>> devstack instance. We'll also want to keep an eye on how this goes,
>> since unstack.sh is not a perfect script and we may need to recreate
>> the instance from scratch now and then.
>> 2. We also want to pull the translations regularly (daily?), so you'll
>> want a cron job to run the zanata-cli script for the translations in
>> Horizon
>> > 4. How to get a domain name ? for example: translation-test.openstack.org ?
>> This will be created when I bring up the server in step 3. We don't
>> have a name for it yet, but should probably update the spec when we
>> decide upon one.
>> --
>> Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2
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