Running through the current priorities list (mostly unchanged so far
from our discussion in Tokyo); let me know if you disagree with
these observations and we can adjust...

Ansible Puppet Apply

This seems to be basically done and in production, modulo some bugs
identified in our session in Austin:

I think it needs to stay on the priority list until these are fixed,
or we need to enumerate those still outstanding as bugs in search of
a fix (and consider the spec implemented just buggy) if they won't
be fixed in the very near future.

Use Diskimage Builder in Nodepool

As I understand it, this is complete except for TripleO's images
(yes, irony since DIB is itself a TripleO team project). We'd like
to be able to deprecate and eventually remove snapshot support in
nodepool, so I think this stays on the priority list until TripleO
is no longer an issue (fixed or switched to being a third-party CI


I've unfortunately lost touch with the progress on this since our
hardware was brought back online following the great flood. I assume
it's not done yet, or I would have heard about it. ;)

Given we're still light on available nodes at peak, this ought to
stay on the priority list for now.

Store Build Logs in Swift

This seems to have taken a break, with our log volume diminishing
significantly in the past year or so and an alternative AFS-based
solution proposed:

We should remove the original spec from our priority list (since
that's basically already ceased to be an actual priority), and
probably supercede it with the AFS proposal.

maniphest migration

This spec no longer has a volunteer, and the alternative storyboard
proposal has gained steam:

I think we should swap these in the priority list. However, the
deployment automation work done for maniphest may still be
repurposed for pholio (another component of the phabricator suite),
since the UX team has expressed an interest in having us maintain an
instance of that for them.

Common OpenStack CI Solution

This seems done, other than the logstash/kibana module migration
which is currently underway. It makes sense to leave this on the
priority list until it's done (which should be very, very soon from
the look of things).

Zuul v3

We knew this was likely to be a multi-cycle effort when we first
identified it as a priority, so obviously makes sense to remain on
the list for now. The other spec for zookeeper in nodepool should
likely be lumped in with it at a similar priority level since
they're interrelated:

Anybody disagree with any of the above? Or have any details to add?
Or want to propose other additions to the priority list for the
current cycle?
Jeremy Stanley

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