This is xinliang from Linaro.

I am now setting up the aarch64 third party CI in an aarch64 cloud.
I create two ubunu16.04 vms, one for CI server and one for log server.
And  follow the steps from here[1]

I am now at the step: start nodepool
I realize that nodepool use diskimage-builder to build devstack gating
I now manage to modify diskimage-builder to build a debian-minimal image
and trying to make a gating image this means add more elements into the

The question is that we already have our own pre-built debian cloud image,
could I just use it and not use the one built by diskimage-builder?

[1] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/openstackci/third_party_ci.html.
[2] https://github.com/openstack/diskimage-builder

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