On November 1, 2017 11:56 pm, Tony Breeds wrote:
On Wed, Nov 01, 2017 at 02:47:20PM -0700, James E. Blair wrote:

At the PTG we brainstormed a road map for Zuul once we completed the
infra cutover.  I think we're in a position now that we can get back to
thinking about this, so I've (slightly) cleaned it up and organized it

How does this look?

Something we talked about on IRC that I didnt' see there was a REST API
to get the current config for a project.  Something that requirements
and release management can use to validate that $project has the correct
templates in place for all the automation to work.

Right now we're just checking-project as assuming that's good enough and
it probably is ;P but It'd still be cool if the REST API was there at
some point.

Yours Tony.

That's a great idea, actually the zuul-web dashboard[0] mentioned in the
"very near term" is actually a REST API from the zuul-web service.
It currently only exposes jobs list and build result history, though it
should be possible to expose a projects.json endpoint to give you that
information. I think this would be a great addition to provide more visual
feedback about project's pipeline and job dependencies.

Perhaps we would also need a templates.json endpoint too so that a
project configuration would reference templates instead/alongside the
expanded configuration.


[0]: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:zuul-web

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