Excerpts from corvus's message of 2017-11-01 14:47:20 -0700:
> Hi,
> At the PTG we brainstormed a road map for Zuul once we completed the
> infra cutover.  I think we're in a position now that we can get back to
> thinking about this, so I've (slightly) cleaned it up and organized it
> here.
> I've grouped into a number of sections.  First:
> Very Near Term
> --------------
> These are things that we should be able to land within just a few weeks
> at most, once we're back from the OpenStack summit and can pay more
> attention to work other than the openstack-infra migration.  All of
> these are already in progress (some are basically finished) and all have
> a primary driver assigned:
> * granular quota support in nodepool (tobias)
> * zuul-web dashboard (tristanC)
> * update private key api for zuul-web (jeblair)
> * github event ingestion via zuul-web (jlk)
> * abstract flag (do not run this job) (jeblair)
> * zuul_json fixes (dmsimard)
> Short Term
> ----------
> These are things we should be able to do within the weeks or months
> following.  Some have had work start on them already and have a driver
> assigned, others are still up for grabs.  These are things we really
> ought to get done before the v3.0 release because either they involve
> some of the defining features of v3, make it possible to actually deploy
> and run v3, or may involve significant changes for which we don't want
> to have to deal with backwards compatability.
> * refactor config loading (jeblair)
> * protected flag (inherit only within this project) (jeblair)
> * refactor zuul_stream and add testing (mordred)
> * getting-started documentation (leifmadsen)
> * demonstrate openstack-infra reporting on github
> * cross-source dependencies
> * add command socket to scheduler and merger for consistent start/stop
> * finish git driver
> * standardize javascript tooling

I know a bunch of this stuff is janky as all get out, because as much of the
jankiness is my own fault as anybody else's. But so much work has gone into
zuulv3 beyond what OpenStack needs, I am still not convinced we need to wait
for any of this. Maybe the zuul-web stuff, since changing URLs after a release
is going to be a bear.

I'm confident we'll get some of these done soon, and I may even get a chance to
contribute directly. But we all know that complexity creeps into engineering in
the most frustrating ways. I'd prefer that this list gets pared down, and that
the release comes basically at or right before PTG, even if this list doesn't
all happen.

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