On 02/06/2015 07:52 PM, Paul Belanger wrote:

I think it not really possible. If you talking about 'openstack' as
'Openstack developers', may be. But for operators all telco stuff is just
completely foreign. I do not understand what they doing and I don't need
them for my job. Sorry.

Interesting, I was actually talking for some friends about the
business of 'telco' and OpenStack recently.  Like some operators have
indicated, the world of 'telco' is foreign to them but since my
background come from the VoIP / telco environment I can see where you
are coming from.

I'm going to look at your proposal, and see if I can make some
comments.  But, I am personally interested in this topic, more as a

On second thought OS operators can have different background and specialization. I was to selfish, sorry. I came from DC/hosting area and still in it, and I assumed many guys here are the same - provide computational infrastructure for the hosting/applications. Some are more 'enterprise', some more 'hosting multitenant', but mostly is 'how to manage virtualization'.

And telco, voip, it all like dark side of the moon. I'm better understand what programmers do than telcos. And it is interesting, because NOC's (networking guys, again, DC-style) are not telcos.

Anyway, sorry for been too rude.

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