Ceilometer contributors and other interested parties,

This cycle, due to all the usual constraints, the Ceilometer project is
going to have a virtual mid-cycle. In order to make this a success we
need to be extra good at planning and keeping to an effective agenda. To
help us do that we need to work out several things:

* the days that will make up the 48 hour window in which we are going to
  have sessions
* the hours of that time window in which we are going to be holding sessions
* the topics for which will we have sessions
* a mapping of individual availability to sessions of interest
* the available meeting hosting options

To facilitate this we've created an etherpad that lists potential
topics and two doodle polls to help choose time windows. The etherpad
is at


and the doodle polls are linked from there. There are additional
instructions on the etherpad about how to register your interest for

If you are intending to participate please follow those instructions. If
you would like to observe but not be an active participant that's
fantastic but please do not vote on the topics or the time windows.

Operators are welcome and encouraged to join.

Please provide your input soon. We will close the voting at the end
of Wednesday, July 3rd and will be posting a proposed schedule soon
thereafter. Note that due to time constraints the mid-cycle could
happen as soon as the following Monday, July 6th.

If you have any questions please either respond here or find cdent or
prad in IRC.

Thanks for your help making a fun and productive mid-cycle.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

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