The voting related to the ceilometer mid-cylce is now closed. Prad and I
will work to come up with a proposed schedule.

Some general comments:

As there is limited time not all topics proposed will be addressed.

To maximize value for the sessions that got an above average number of
votes, we will be cutting off the topics that did not with some

For those topics for which was a small number of votes it may be
worthwhile for people to arrange their own small meetings with other
interested parties.

Just because a topic isn't going to be on the schedule that doesn't mean
it is not important, it simply means that the right people weren't
paying attention in the past few days. They may be later.

Unfortunately when building the schedule we will be unable to accomodate
concurrent sessions because of the small number of participants
(everyone wants to go to the same stuff).

It's looking like, based on the voting, we should go for 3 days,
with the third day being an optional sprint day. Some topics are
broad enough that having a session on day 1 (to figure out what
matters) and day 2 (do something about it) probably makes sense.

The primary zone of time overlap is the Euro-afternoon, followed by
the Euro-morning. Thank you to those of you who are not local to Europe
who were willing to stretch a bit to make the scheduling a bit

Topics will need leaders. Visit the relevant etherpads to find the
summary information and links to a planning spreadsheet and
volunteer to lead if you like.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

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