Just a general pet-peeve of mine, but can we not have #rdo be the tripleo user support channel, but say push people more toward #tripleo or #tripleo-users or #openstack instead. I'd rather not have #rdo be the way users get tripleo support, because at that point we might as well call tripleo a redhat product and just move the repos to somewhere inside redhat.


Dan Sneddon wrote:
Speaking for myself and the other TripleO developers at Red Hat, we do
try our best to answer user questions in #rdo. You will also find some
production users hanging out there. The best times to ask questions are
during East Coast business hours, or during business hours of GMT+1
(we have a large development office in Brno, CZ with engineers that
work on TripleO). There is also an RDO-specific mailing list available

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