On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 9:33 PM, Tom Fifield <t...@openstack.org> wrote:
> On 03/08/16 03:44, Joshua Harlow wrote:
>> Just a general pet-peeve of mine, but can we not have #rdo be the
>> tripleo user support channel, but say push people more toward #tripleo
>> or #tripleo-users or #openstack instead. I'd rather not have #rdo be the
>> way users get tripleo support, because at that point we might as well
>> call tripleo a redhat product and just move the repos to somewhere
>> inside redhat.
> To comment only generally on the support issue, in redhat's defense they
> (hat tip Steve Gordon, Rich Bowen and others I've likely forgot) are doing a
> good job contributing to Ask.OpenStack.org, including in areas outside of
> RDO.

I gave ask.o.o a shot. :) 12 views on my question, no answers.

Unfortunately, like it or not, tripleo, IMHO, is a single vendor
project at this point and it's pretty difficult for end users like
myself to find some support. I've always been able to pop into an IRC
channel and ask a question and normally get tons of help, tripleo
seems a little different in that regard at this time. Perhaps it's
just me.


>> -Josh
>> Dan Sneddon wrote:
>>> Speaking for myself and the other TripleO developers at Red Hat, we do
>>> try our best to answer user questions in #rdo. You will also find some
>>> production users hanging out there. The best times to ask questions are
>>> during East Coast business hours, or during business hours of GMT+1
>>> (we have a large development office in Brno, CZ with engineers that
>>> work on TripleO). There is also an RDO-specific mailing list available
>>> here:https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/rdo-list
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