That was me! and yes you can do it when consuming notifications with 

Eg in our ceilometer.conf we have

store_events = true
batch_size = 50
batch_timeout = 5
messaging_urls = rabbit://XX:XX@rabbithost1:5671/vhost1 
messaging_urls = rabbit://XX:XX@rabbithost2:5671/vhost 
messaging_urls = rabbit://XX:XX@rabbithost3:5671/vhost3

If no messaging_urls are set then it will fall back to the settings in the 
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] config section
Also if you set messaging_urls then it won’t consume from the rabbit specified 
in [oslo_messaging_rabbit] so you have to add it to messaging_urls too.


> On 4 Nov. 2016, at 10:28 am, Mike Dorman <> wrote:
> I heard third hand from the summit that it’s possible to configure 
> Ceilometer/oslo.messaging with multiple rabbitmq_hosts config entries, which 
> will let you connect to multiple RMQ endpoints at the same time.
> The scenario here is we use the Ceilometer notification agent the pipe events 
> from OpenStack services into a Kafka queue for consumption by other team(s) 
> in the company.  We also run Nova cells v1, so we have to run one Ceilometer 
> agent for the API cell, as well as an agent for every compute cell (because 
> they have independent RMQ clusters.)
> Anyway, I tried configuring it this way and it still only connects to a 
> single RMQ server.  We’re running Liberty Ceilometer and oslo.messaging, so 
> I’m wondering if this behavior is only in a later version?  Can anybody shed 
> any light?  I would love to get away from running so many Ceilometer agents.
> Thanks!
> Mike
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