Just what I needed, thanks Sam.  And I can also confirm this works like a champ.

I was digging through oslo.messaging stuff looking for this, I completely 
overlooked the notification settings in ceilometer itself.

Appreciate pointing me in the right direction!

From: Sam Morrison <sorri...@gmail.com>
Date: Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:04 PM
To: Mike Dorman <mdor...@godaddy.com>
Cc: OpenStack Operators <openstack-operators@lists.openstack.org>
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] Ceilometer/oslo.messaging connect to 
multiple RMQ endpoints

That was me! and yes you can do it when consuming notifications with 

Eg in our ceilometer.conf we have

store_events = true
batch_size = 50
batch_timeout = 5
messaging_urls = rabbit://XX:XX@rabbithost1:5671/vhost1
messaging_urls = rabbit://XX:XX@rabbithost2:5671/vhost2
messaging_urls = rabbit://XX:XX@rabbithost3:5671/vhost3

If no messaging_urls are set then it will fall back to the settings in the 
[oslo_messaging_rabbit] config section
Also if you set messaging_urls then it won’t consume from the rabbit specified 
in [oslo_messaging_rabbit] so you have to add it to messaging_urls too.


On 4 Nov. 2016, at 10:28 am, Mike Dorman 
<mdor...@godaddy.com<mailto:mdor...@godaddy.com>> wrote:

I heard third hand from the summit that it’s possible to configure 
Ceilometer/oslo.messaging with multiple rabbitmq_hosts config entries, which 
will let you connect to multiple RMQ endpoints at the same time.

The scenario here is we use the Ceilometer notification agent the pipe events 
from OpenStack services into a Kafka queue for consumption by other team(s) in 
the company.  We also run Nova cells v1, so we have to run one Ceilometer agent 
for the API cell, as well as an agent for every compute cell (because they have 
independent RMQ clusters.)

Anyway, I tried configuring it this way and it still only connects to a single 
RMQ server.  We’re running Liberty Ceilometer and oslo.messaging, so I’m 
wondering if this behavior is only in a later version?  Can anybody shed any 
light?  I would love to get away from running so many Ceilometer agents.


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