
it sounds somewhat-obvious from ‘MultipleHostsWithOneIPError’ , but you have 
defined same IP address for infra1, compute1 and storage1.
According to your yaml definition file those are defined to be 3 physical 
machines/3 VMs and they can’t have same IP address.

It is fairly-likely that your intent is actually to use All-in-one setup. 
As I remember this is default user_variables.yaml, but also you can check 
template in repo, [1] 
(=there aio1 is used as machine for all roles)


> On Nov 7, 2016, at 9:20 PM, Rafael Azevedo <raf...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Guys,
> Moving forward on the installation process, I've got a new error:
> root@ubuntu:/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks# openstack-ansible 
> setup-hosts.yml
> openstack-ansible setup-hosts.yml
> Variable files: "-e @/etc/openstack_deploy/user_secrets.yml -e
> @/etc/openstack_deploy/user_variables.yml "
> ERROR! The file inventory/dynamic_inventory.py is marked as
> executable, but failed to execute correctly. If this is not supposed
> to be an executable script, correct this with `chmod -x
> inventory/dynamic_inventory.py`.
> Inventory script (inventory/dynamic_inventory.py) had an execution
> error: Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/dynamic_inventory.py",
> line 1304, in <module>
>    output = main(**all_args)
>  File "/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/dynamic_inventory.py",
> line 1229, in main
>    environment.get('container_skel')
>  File "/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/dynamic_inventory.py",
> line 1091, in _check_config_settings
>    _check_same_ip_to_multiple_host(config)
>  File "/opt/openstack-ansible/playbooks/inventory/dynamic_inventory.py",
> line 1008, in _check_same_ip_to_multiple_host
>    raise MultipleHostsWithOneIPError(*info)
> __main__.MultipleHostsWithOneIPError: Both host:compute1 and
> host:infra1 have address: assigned.  Cannot assign same
> ip to both hosts
> inventory/dynamic_inventory.py:18: Expected key=value host variable
> assignment, got: argparse
> =========================
> And this is the content of my
> /etc/openstack_deploy/openstack_user_config.yml file.
> =========================
> ---
> cidr_networks:
>  container:
>  tunnel:
>  storage:
> used_ips:
>  - ","
>  - ","
>  - ","
>  - ","
> global_overrides:
>  internal_lb_vip_address: A.B.C.D
>  external_lb_vip_address: openstack.zimus.io
>  tunnel_bridge: "br-vxlan"
>  management_bridge: "br-mgmt"
>  provider_networks:
>    - network:
>        container_bridge: "br-mgmt"
>        container_type: "veth"
>        container_interface: "eth1"
>        ip_from_q: "container"
>        type: "raw"
>        group_binds:
>          - all_containers
>          - hosts
>        is_container_address: true
>        is_ssh_address: true
>    - network:
>        container_bridge: "br-vxlan"
>        container_type: "veth"
>        container_interface: "eth10"
>        ip_from_q: "tunnel"
>        type: "vxlan"
>        range: "1:1000"
>        net_name: "vxlan"
>        group_binds:
>          - neutron_linuxbridge_agent
>    - network:
>        container_bridge: "br-vlan"
>        container_type: "veth"
>        container_interface: "eth12"
>        host_bind_override: "eth12"
>        type: "flat"
>        net_name: "flat"
>        group_binds:
>          - neutron_linuxbridge_agent
>    - network:
>        container_bridge: "br-vlan"
>        container_type: "veth"
>        container_interface: "eth11"
>        type: "vlan"
>        range: "1:1"
>        net_name: "vlan"
>        group_binds:
>          - neutron_linuxbridge_agent
>    - network:
>        container_bridge: "br-storage"
>        container_type: "veth"
>        container_interface: "eth2"
>        ip_from_q: "storage"
>        type: "raw"
>        group_binds:
>          - glance_api
>          - cinder_api
>          - cinder_volume
>          - nova_compute
> ###
> ### Infrastructure
> ###
> # galera, memcache, rabbitmq, utility
> shared-infra_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # repository (apt cache, python packages, etc)
> repo-infra_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # load balancer
> haproxy_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> ###
> ### OpenStack
> ###
> # keystone
> identity_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # cinder api services
> storage-infra_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # glance
> image_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # nova api, conductor, etc services
> compute-infra_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # heat
> orchestration_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # horizon
> dashboard_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # neutron server, agents (L3, etc)
> network_hosts:
>  infra1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # nova hypervisors
> compute_hosts:
>  compute1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
> # cinder storage host (LVM-backed)
> storage_hosts:
>  storage1:
>    ip: A.B.C.D
>    container_vars:
>      cinder_backends:
>        limit_container_types: cinder_volume
>        lvm:
>          volume_group: cinder-volumes
>          volume_driver: cinder.volume.drivers.lvm.LVMVolumeDriver
>          volume_backend_name: LVM_iSCSI
>          iscsi_ip_address: ""
> =========================
> Since I was unable to boot normally using all bridge config [1] - see
> related thread - I'm not sure if it could have caused this error.
> Any idea?
> Thanks a lot.
> BR,
> R
> [1]: 
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-operators/2016-November/011986.html
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