
On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 5:29 PM, Ed Leafe <e...@leafe.com> wrote:
> On Apr 29, 2018, at 1:34 PM, Artom Lifshitz <alifs...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Based on that, we can definitely say that SameHostFilter and
>> DifferentHostFilter do *not* belong in the defaults. In fact, we got
>> our defaults pretty spot on, based on this admittedly very limited
>> dataset. The only frequently occurring filter that's not in our
>> defaults is AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter.
> Another data point that might be illuminating is: how many sites use a custom 
> (i.e., not in-tree) filter or weigher? One of the original design tenets of 
> the scheduler was that we did not want to artificially limit what people 
> could use to control their deployments, but inside of Nova there is a lot of 
> confusion as to whether anyone is using anything but the included filters.
> So - does anyone out there rely on a filter and/or weigher that they wrote 
> themselves, and maintain outside of OpenStack?

Yes and we have a bunch.

Here are our filters and weighers with explanations.

Filters for cells:
* InstanceTypeClassFilter [0]

Filters for cloud/virtual cells:
* RetryFilter
* AvailabilityZoneFilter
* RamFilter
* ComputeFilter
* AggregateCoreFilter
* ImagePropertiesFilter
* AggregateImageOsTypeIsolationFilter [1]
* AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter
* AggregateProjectsIsolationFilter [2]

Weighers for cloud/virtual cells:
* MetricsWeigher
* AggregateRAMWeigher [3]

Filters for baremetal cells:
* ComputeFilter
* NetworkModelFilter [4]
* TenantFilter [5]
* UserFilter [6]
* RetryFilter
* AvailabilityZoneFilter
* ComputeCapabilitiesFilter
* ImagePropertiesFilter
* ExactRamFilter
* ExactDiskFilter
* ExactCoreFilter

Weighers for baremetal cells:
* ReservedHostForTenantWeigher [7]
* ReservedHostForUserWeigher [8]

[0] Used to scheduler instances based on flavor class found in
extra_specs (virtual/baremetal)
[1] Allows to properly isolated hosts for licensing purposes.
    The upstream filter is not strict as per bugs/reviews/specs:
    * https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1293444
    * https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1677217
    * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56420/
    * https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85399/
    Our custom implementation for Mitaka:
[2] Similar filter to AggregateImageOsTypeIsolationFilter but for projects.
    Our custom implementation for Mitaka:
[3] Allows to change stacking behavior based on the 'ram_weight_multiplier'
    aggregate key. (emptiest/fullest)
    Our custom implementation for Mitaka:
[4] Used to filter Ironic nodes based on supported network models as requested
    by flavor extra_specs. We support JIT network configuration (flat/bond) and
    need to know which nodes support what network models beforehand.
[5] Used to filter Ironic nodes based on the 'reserved_for_tenant_id'
Ironic node property.
    This is used to reserve Ironic node to specific projects.
    Some customers order lot of machines in advance. We reserve those for them.
[6] Used to filter Ironic nodes based on the 'reserved_for_user_id'
Ironic node property.
    This is mainly used when enrolling existing nodes already living
on a different system.
    We reserve the node to a special internal user so the customer
cannot reserve
    the node by mistake until the process is completed.
    Latest version of Nova dropped user_id from RequestSpec. We had to
add it back.
[7] Used to favor reserved host over non-reserved ones based on project.
[8] Used to favor reserved host over non-reserved ones based on user.
    Latest version of Nova dropped user_id from RequestSpec. We had to
add it back.


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