Hello Sylvain, here the output of some selects:
MariaDB [nova]> select host,hypervisor_hostname from compute_nodes;
| host         | hypervisor_hostname |
| podto1-kvm01 | podto1-kvm01        |
| podto1-kvm02 | podto1-kvm02        |
| podto1-kvm03 | podto1-kvm03        |
| podto1-kvm04 | podto1-kvm04        |
| podto1-kvm05 | podto1-kvm05        |

MariaDB [nova]> select host from compute_nodes where host='podto1-kvm01'
and hypervisor_hostname='podto1-kvm01';
| host         |
| podto1-kvm01 |

Il giorno mer 17 ott 2018 alle ore 16:02 Sylvain Bauza <sba...@redhat.com>
ha scritto:

> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 12:56 AM Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 10/16/2018 10:11 AM, Sylvain Bauza wrote:
>> > On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 3:28 PM Ignazio Cassano
>> > <ignaziocass...@gmail.com <mailto:ignaziocass...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> >
>> >     Hi everybody,
>> >     when on my ocata installation based on centos7 I update (only update
>> >     not  changing openstack version) some kvm compute nodes, I
>> >     diescovered uuid in resource_providers nova_api db table are
>> >     different from uuid in compute_nodes nova db table.
>> >     This causes several errors in nova-compute service, because it not
>> >     able to receive instances anymore.
>> >     Aligning uuid from compute_nodes solves this problem.
>> >     Could anyone tel me if it is a bug ?
>> >
>> >
>> > What do you mean by "updating some compute nodes" ? In Nova, we
>> consider
>> > uniqueness of compute nodes by a tuple (host, hypervisor_hostname)
>> where
>> > host is your nova-compute service name for this compute host, and
>> > hypervisor_hostname is in the case of libvirt the 'hostname' reported
>> by
>> > the libvirt API [1]
>> >
>> > If somehow one of the two values change, then the Nova Resource Tracker
>> > will consider this new record as a separate compute node, hereby
>> > creating a new compute_nodes table record, and then a new UUID.
>> > Could you please check your compute_nodes table and see whether some
>> > entries were recently created ?
>> The compute_nodes table has no unique constraint on the
>> hypervisor_hostname field unfortunately, even though it should. It's not
>> like you can have two compute nodes with the same hostname. But, alas,
>> this is one of those vestigial tails in nova due to poor initial table
>> design and coupling between the concept of a nova-compute service worker
>> and the hypervisor resource node itself.
> Sorry if I was unclear, but I meant we have a UK for (host,
> hypervisor_hostname, deleted) (I didn't explain about deleted, but meh).
> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/01c33c5/nova/db/sqlalchemy/models.py#L116-L118
> But yeah, we don't have any UK for just (hypervisor_hostname, deleted),
> sure.
> Ignazio, I was tempted to say you may have run into this:
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1714248
>> But then I see you're not using Ironic... I'm not entirely sure how you
>> ended up with duplicate hypervisor_hostname records for the same compute
>> node, but some of those duplicate records must have had the deleted
>> field set to a non-zero value, given the constraint we currently have on
>> (host, hypervisor_hostname, deleted).
>> This means that your deployment script or some external scripts must
>> have been deleting compute node records somehow, though I'm not entirely
>> sure how...
> Yeah that's why I asked for the compute_nodes records. Ignazio, could you
> please verify this ?
> Do you have multiple records for the same (host, hypervisor_hostname)
> tuple ?
> 'select from compute_nodes where host=XXX and hypervisor_hostname=YYY'
> -Sylvain
> Best,
>> -jay
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