On 10/17/2018 9:13 AM, Ignazio Cassano wrote:
Hello Sylvain, here the output of some selects:
MariaDB [nova]> select host,hypervisor_hostname from compute_nodes;
| host         | hypervisor_hostname |
| podto1-kvm01 | podto1-kvm01        |
| podto1-kvm02 | podto1-kvm02        |
| podto1-kvm03 | podto1-kvm03        |
| podto1-kvm04 | podto1-kvm04        |
| podto1-kvm05 | podto1-kvm05        |

MariaDB [nova]> select host from compute_nodes where host='podto1-kvm01' and hypervisor_hostname='podto1-kvm01';
| host         |
| podto1-kvm01 |

Does your upgrade tooling run a db archive/purge at all? It's possible that the actual services table record was deleted via the os-services REST API for some reason, which would delete the compute_nodes table record, and then a restart of the nova-compute process would recreate the services and compute_nodes table records, but with a new compute node uuid and thus a new resource provider.

Maybe query your shadow_services and shadow_compute_nodes tables for "podto1-kvm01" and see if a record existed at one point, was deleted and then archived to the shadow tables.




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