For reference, here is our full glance policy.json

    "context_is_admin":  "role:admin",
    "default": "role:admin",

    "add_image": "",
    "delete_image": "",
    "get_image": "",
    "get_images": "",
    "modify_image": "",
    "publicize_image": "role:admin",
    "communitize_image": "",
    "copy_from": "",

    "download_image": "",
    "upload_image": "",

    "delete_image_location": "",
    "get_image_location": "",
    "set_image_location": "",

    "add_member": "",
    "delete_member": "",
    "get_member": "",
    "get_members": "",
    "modify_member": "",

    "manage_image_cache": "role:admin",

    "get_task": "",
    "get_tasks": "",
    "add_task": "",
    "modify_task": "",
    "tasks_api_access": "role:admin",

    "deactivate": "",
    "reactivate": "",

    "get_metadef_namespace": "",






Mike Moore, M.S.S.E.
Systems Engineer, Goddard Private Cloud
Hydrogen fusion brightens my day.

On 10/19/18, 12:39 PM, "Moore, Michael Dane (GSFC-720.0)[BUSINESS INTEGRA, 
INC.]" <> wrote:

    Our NDC domain is LDAP backed. Default is not.
    Our keystone policy.json file is empty {}
    Mike Moore, M.S.S.E.
    Systems Engineer, Goddard Private Cloud
    Hydrogen fusion brightens my day.
    On 10/18/18, 7:24 PM, "Chris Apsey" <> wrote:
        We are using multiple keystone domains - still can't reproduce this.
        Do you happen to have a customized keystone policy.json?
        Worst case, I would launch a devstack of your targeted release.  If you 
        can't reproduce the issue there, you would at least know its caused by 
        nonstandard config rather than a bug (or at least not a bug that's 
        when using a default config)
        On October 18, 2018 18:50:12 iain MacDonnell 
        > That all looks fine.
        > I believe that the "default" policy applies in place of any that's not
        > explicitly specified - i.e. "if there's no matching policy below, you
        > need to have the admin role to be able to do it". I do have that line 
        > my policy.json, and I cannot reproduce your problem (see below).
        > I'm not using domains (other than "default"). I wonder if that's a 
        >     ~iain
        > $ openstack user create --password foo user1
        > +---------------------+----------------------------------+
        > | Field               | Value                            |
        > +---------------------+----------------------------------+
        > | domain_id           | default                          |
        > | enabled             | True                             |
        > | id                  | d18c0031ec56430499a2d690cb1f125c |
        > | name                | user1                            |
        > | options             | {}                               |
        > | password_expires_at | None                             |
        > +---------------------+----------------------------------+
        > $ openstack user create --password foo user2
        > +---------------------+----------------------------------+
        > | Field               | Value                            |
        > +---------------------+----------------------------------+
        > | domain_id           | default                          |
        > | enabled             | True                             |
        > | id                  | be9f1061a5104abd834eabe98dff055d |
        > | name                | user2                            |
        > | options             | {}                               |
        > | password_expires_at | None                             |
        > +---------------------+----------------------------------+
        > $ openstack project create project1
        > +-------------+----------------------------------+
        > | Field       | Value                            |
        > +-------------+----------------------------------+
        > | description |                                  |
        > | domain_id   | default                          |
        > | enabled     | True                             |
        > | id          | 826876d6d3724018bae6253c7f540cb3 |
        > | is_domain   | False                            |
        > | name        | project1                         |
        > | parent_id   | default                          |
        > | tags        | []                               |
        > +-------------+----------------------------------+
        > $ openstack project create project2
        > +-------------+----------------------------------+
        > | Field       | Value                            |
        > +-------------+----------------------------------+
        > | description |                                  |
        > | domain_id   | default                          |
        > | enabled     | True                             |
        > | id          | b446b93ac6e24d538c1943acbdd13cb2 |
        > | is_domain   | False                            |
        > | name        | project2                         |
        > | parent_id   | default                          |
        > | tags        | []                               |
        > +-------------+----------------------------------+
        > $ openstack role add --user user1 --project project1 _member_
        > $ openstack role add --user user2 --project project2 _member_
        > $ export OS_PASSWORD=foo
        > $ export OS_USERNAME=user1
        > $ export OS_PROJECT_NAME=project1
        > $ openstack image list
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > | ID                                   | Name   | Status |
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > | ad497523-b497-4500-8e6c-b5fb12a30cee | cirros | active |
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > $ openstack image create --private image1
        > | Field            | Value
        >                          |
        > | checksum         | None
        >                          |
        > | container_format | bare
        >                          |
        > | created_at       | 2018-10-18T22:17:41Z
        >                          |
        > | disk_format      | raw
        >                          |
        > | file             |
        > /v2/images/6a0c1928-b79c-4dbf-a9c9-305b599056e4/file
        >     |
        > | id               | 6a0c1928-b79c-4dbf-a9c9-305b599056e4
        >                          |
        > | min_disk         | 0
        >                          |
        > | min_ram          | 0
        >                          |
        > | name             | image1
        >                          |
        > | owner            | 826876d6d3724018bae6253c7f540cb3
        >                          |
        > | properties       | locations='[]', os_hash_algo='None',
        > os_hash_value='None', os_hidden='False' |
        > | protected        | False
        >                          |
        > | schema           | /v2/schemas/image
        >                          |
        > | size             | None
        >                          |
        > | status           | queued
        >                          |
        > | tags             |
        >                          |
        > | updated_at       | 2018-10-18T22:17:41Z
        >                          |
        > | virtual_size     | None
        >                          |
        > | visibility       | private
        >                          |
        > $ openstack image list
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > | ID                                   | Name   | Status |
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > | ad497523-b497-4500-8e6c-b5fb12a30cee | cirros | active |
        > | 6a0c1928-b79c-4dbf-a9c9-305b599056e4 | image1 | queued |
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > $ export OS_USERNAME=user2
        > $ export OS_PROJECT_NAME=project2
        > $ openstack image list
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > | ID                                   | Name   | Status |
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > | ad497523-b497-4500-8e6c-b5fb12a30cee | cirros | active |
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > $ export OS_USERNAME=admin
        > $ export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
        > $ export OS_PASSWORD=xxx
        > $ openstack image set --public 6a0c1928-b79c-4dbf-a9c9-305b599056e4
        > $ export OS_USERNAME=user2
        > $ export OS_PROJECT_NAME=project2
        > $ export OS_PASSWORD=foo
        > $ openstack image list
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > | ID                                   | Name   | Status |
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > | ad497523-b497-4500-8e6c-b5fb12a30cee | cirros | active |
        > | 6a0c1928-b79c-4dbf-a9c9-305b599056e4 | image1 | queued |
        > +--------------------------------------+--------+--------+
        > $
        > On 10/18/2018 03:32 PM, Moore, Michael Dane (GSFC-720.0)[BUSINESS
        > INTEGRA, INC.] wrote:
        >> openstack user create --domain default --password xxxxxxxx 
        >> ndc --project test mike
        >> openstack role add --user mike --user-domain default --project test 
        >> my admin account is in the NDC domain with a different username.
        >> /etc/glance/policy.json
        >> {
        >> "context_is_admin":  "role:admin",
        >> "default": "role:admin",
        >> <snip>
        >> I'm not terribly familiar with the policies but I feel like that 
        >> line is making everyone an admin by default?
        >> Mike Moore, M.S.S.E.
        >> Systems Engineer, Goddard Private Cloud
        >> Hydrogen fusion brightens my day.
        >> On 10/18/18, 6:25 PM, "iain MacDonnell" <> 
        >> I suspect that your non-admin user is not really non-admin. How did 
        >> create it?
        >> What you have for "context_is_admin" in glance's policy.json ?
        >>  ~iain
        >> On 10/18/2018 03:11 PM, Moore, Michael Dane (GSFC-720.0)[BUSINESS
        >> INTEGRA, INC.] wrote:
        >>> I have replicated this unexpected behavior in a Pike test 
environment, in 
        >>> addition to our Queens environment.
        >>> Mike Moore, M.S.S.E.
        >>> Systems Engineer, Goddard Private Cloud
        >>> Hydrogen fusion brightens my day.
        >>> On 10/18/18, 2:30 PM, "Moore, Michael Dane (GSFC-720.0)[BUSINESS 
        >>> INC.]" <> wrote:
        >>>    Yes. I verified it by creating a non-admin user in a different 
tenant. I 
        >>>    created a new image, set to private with the project defined as 
our admin 
        >>>    tenant.
        >>>    In the database I can see that the image is 'private' and the 
owner is the 
        >>>    ID of the admin tenant.
        >>>    Mike Moore, M.S.S.E.
        >>>    Systems Engineer, Goddard Private Cloud
        >>>    Hydrogen fusion brightens my day.
        >>>    On 10/18/18, 1:07 AM, "iain MacDonnell" 
<> wrote:
        >>>        On 10/17/2018 12:29 PM, Moore, Michael Dane 
        >>>        INTEGRA, INC.] wrote:
        >>>        > I’m seeing unexpected behavior in our Queens environment 
related to
        >>>        > Glance image visibility. Specifically users who, based on 
        >>>        > understanding of the visibility and ownership fields, 
should NOT be able
        >>>        > to see or view the image.
        >>>        >
        >>>        > If I create a new image with openstack image create and 
specify –project
        >>>        > <tenant> and –private a non-admin user in a different 
tenant can see and
        >>>        > boot that image.
        >>>        >
        >>>        > That seems to be the opposite of what should happen. Any 
        >>>        Yep, something's not right there.
        >>>        Are you sure that the user that can see the image doesn't 
have the admin
        >>>        role (for the project in its keystone token) ?
        >>>        Did you verify that the image's owner is what you intended, 
and that the
        >>>        visibility really is "private" ?
        >>>             ~iain
        >>>        _______________________________________________
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          • ... Chris Apsey
          • ... iain MacDonnell
            • ... Moore, Michael Dane (GSFC-720.0)[BUSINESS INTEGRA, INC.]
              • ... iain MacDonnell
                • ... Chris Apsey
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