Am 10/23/18 um 3:20 PM schrieb Erik McCormick:
On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7:53 AM Florian Engelmann
<> wrote:


We did test Octavia with Pike (DVR deployment) and everything was
working right our of the box. We changed our underlay network to a
Layer3 spine-leaf network now and did not deploy DVR as we don't wanted
to have that much cables in a rack.

Octavia is not working right now as the lb-mgmt-net does not exist on
the compute nodes nor does a br-ex.

The control nodes running


and as far as I understood octavia_worker, octavia_housekeeping and
octavia_health_manager have to talk to the amphora instances. But the
control nodes are spread over three different leafs. So each control
node in a different L2 domain.

So the question is how to deploy a lb-mgmt-net network in our setup?

- Compute nodes have no "stretched" L2 domain
- Control nodes, compute nodes and network nodes are in L3 networks like
api, storage, ...
- Only network nodes are connected to a L2 domain (with a separated NIC)
providing the "public" network

You'll need to add a new bridge to your compute nodes and create a
provider network associated with that bridge. In my setup this is
simply a flat network tied to a tagged interface. In your case it
probably makes more sense to make a new VNI and create a vxlan
provider network. The routing in your switches should handle the rest.

Ok that's what I try right now. But I don't get how to setup something like a VxLAN provider Network. I thought only vlan and flat is supported as provider network? I guess it is not possible to use the tunnel interface that is used for tenant networks?
So I have to create a separated VxLAN on the control and compute nodes like:

# ip link add vxoctavia type vxlan id 42 dstport 4790 group dev vlan3535 ttl 5
# ip addr add dev vxoctavia
# ip link set vxoctavia up

and use it like a flat provider network, true?


All the best,
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