On the network nodes we've got a dedicated interface to deploy VLANs (like the 
provider network for internet access). What about creating another VLAN on the 
network nodes, give that bridge a IP which is part of the subnet of lb-mgmt-net 
and start the octavia worker, healthmanager and controller on the network nodes 
binding to that IP?

From: Erik McCormick <emccorm...@cirrusseven.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2018 6:18 PM
To: Engelmann Florian
Cc: openstack-operators
Subject: Re: [Openstack-operators] [octavia][rocky] Octavia and VxLAN without 

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 12:02 PM Florian Engelmann 
<florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch>> wrote:
Am 10/24/18 um 2:08 PM schrieb Erik McCormick:
> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018, 3:14 AM Florian Engelmann
> <florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch> 
> <mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch>>>
> wrote:
>     Ohoh - thank you for your empathy :)
>     And those great details about how to setup this mgmt network.
>     I will try to do so this afternoon but solving that routing "puzzle"
>     (virtual network to control nodes) I will need our network guys to help
>     me out...
>     But I will need to tell all Amphorae a static route to the gateway that
>     is routing to the control nodes?
> Just set the default gateway when you create the neutron subnet. No need
> for excess static routes. The route on the other connection won't
> interfere with it as it lives in a namespace.

My compute nodes have no br-ex and there is no L2 domain spread over all
compute nodes. As far as I understood lb-mgmt-net is a provider network
and has to be flat or VLAN and will need a "physical" gateway (as there
is no virtual router).
So the question - is it possible to get octavia up and running without a
br-ex (L2 domain spread over all compute nodes) on the compute nodes?

Sorry, I only meant it was *like* br-ex on your network nodes. You don't need 
that on your computes.

The router here would be whatever does routing in your physical network. 
Setting the gateway in the neutron subnet simply adds that to the DHCP 
information sent to the amphorae.

This does bring up another thingI forgot  though. You'll probably want to add 
the management network / bridge to your network nodes or wherever you run the 
DHCP agents. When you create the subnet, be sure to leave some space in the 
address scope for the physical devices with static IPs.

As for multiple L2 domains, I can't think of a way to go about that for the 
lb-mgmt network. It's a single network with a single subnet. Perhaps you could 
limit load balancers to an AZ in a single rack? Seems not very HA friendly.

>     Am 10/23/18 um 6:57 PM schrieb Erik McCormick:
>      > So in your other email you said asked if there was a guide for
>      > deploying it with Kolla ansible...
>      >
>      > Oh boy. No there's not. I don't know if you've seen my recent
>     mails on
>      > Octavia, but I am going through this deployment process with
>      > kolla-ansible right now and it is lacking in a few areas.
>      >
>      > If you plan to use different CA certificates for client and server in
>      > Octavia, you'll need to add that into the playbook. Presently it only
>      > copies over ca_01.pem, cacert.key, and client.pem and uses them for
>      > everything. I was completely unable to make it work with only one CA
>      > as I got some SSL errors. It passes gate though, so I aasume it must
>      > work? I dunno.
>      >
>      > Networking comments and a really messy kolla-ansible / octavia
>     how-to below...
>      >
>      > On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 10:09 AM Florian Engelmann
>      > <florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch>
> <mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch>>>
>  wrote:
>      >>
>      >> Am 10/23/18 um 3:20 PM schrieb Erik McCormick:
>      >>> On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 7:53 AM Florian Engelmann
>      >>> 
> <florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch>
> <mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch>>>
>  wrote:
>      >>>>
>      >>>> Hi,
>      >>>>
>      >>>> We did test Octavia with Pike (DVR deployment) and everything was
>      >>>> working right our of the box. We changed our underlay network to a
>      >>>> Layer3 spine-leaf network now and did not deploy DVR as we
>     don't wanted
>      >>>> to have that much cables in a rack.
>      >>>>
>      >>>> Octavia is not working right now as the lb-mgmt-net does not
>     exist on
>      >>>> the compute nodes nor does a br-ex.
>      >>>>
>      >>>> The control nodes running
>      >>>>
>      >>>> octavia_worker
>      >>>> octavia_housekeeping
>      >>>> octavia_health_manager
>      >>>> octavia_api
>      >>>>
>     Amphorae-VMs, z.b.
>     lb-mgmt-net<> <> 
> default GW
>      >>>> and as far as I understood octavia_worker,
>     octavia_housekeeping and
>      >>>> octavia_health_manager have to talk to the amphora instances.
>     But the
>      >>>> control nodes are spread over three different leafs. So each
>     control
>      >>>> node in a different L2 domain.
>      >>>>
>      >>>> So the question is how to deploy a lb-mgmt-net network in our
>     setup?
>      >>>>
>      >>>> - Compute nodes have no "stretched" L2 domain
>      >>>> - Control nodes, compute nodes and network nodes are in L3
>     networks like
>      >>>> api, storage, ...
>      >>>> - Only network nodes are connected to a L2 domain (with a
>     separated NIC)
>      >>>> providing the "public" network
>      >>>>
>      >>> You'll need to add a new bridge to your compute nodes and create a
>      >>> provider network associated with that bridge. In my setup this is
>      >>> simply a flat network tied to a tagged interface. In your case it
>      >>> probably makes more sense to make a new VNI and create a vxlan
>      >>> provider network. The routing in your switches should handle
>     the rest.
>      >>
>      >> Ok that's what I try right now. But I don't get how to setup
>     something
>      >> like a VxLAN provider Network. I thought only vlan and flat is
>     supported
>      >> as provider network? I guess it is not possible to use the tunnel
>      >> interface that is used for tenant networks?
>      >> So I have to create a separated VxLAN on the control and compute
>     nodes like:
>      >>
>      >> # ip link add vxoctavia type vxlan id 42 dstport 4790 group
>      >> dev vlan3535 ttl 5
>      >> # ip addr add<> 
> <> dev vxoctavia
>      >> # ip link set vxoctavia up
>      >>
>      >> and use it like a flat provider network, true?
>      >>
>      > This is a fine way of doing things, but it's only half the battle.
>      > You'll need to add a bridge on the compute nodes and bind it to that
>      > new interface. Something like this if you're using openvswitch:
>      >
>      > docker exec openvswitch_db
>      > /usr/local/bin/kolla_ensure_openvswitch_configured br-mgmt vxoctavia
>      >
>      > Also you'll want to remove the IP address from that interface as it's
>      > going to be a bridge. Think of it like your public (br-ex) interface
>      > on your network nodes.
>      >
>      >  From there you'll need to update the bridge mappings via kolla
>      > overrides. This would usually be in /etc/kolla/config/neutron. Create
>      > a subdirectory for your compute inventory group and create an
>      > ml2_conf.ini there. So you'd end up with something like:
>      >
>      > [root@kolla-deploy ~]# cat
>     /etc/kolla/config/neutron/compute/ml2_conf.ini
>      > [ml2_type_flat]
>      > flat_networks = mgmt-net
>      >
>      > [ovs]
>      > bridge_mappings = mgmt-net:br-mgmt
>      >
>      > run kolla-ansible --tags neutron reconfigure to push out the new
>      > configs. Note that there is a bug where the neutron containers
>     may not
>      > restart after the change, so you'll probably need to do a 'docker
>      > container restart neutron_openvswitch_agent' on each compute node.
>      >
>      > At this point, you'll need to create the provider network in the
>     admin
>      > project like:
>      >
>      > openstack network create --provider-network-type flat
>      > --provider-physical-network mgmt-net lb-mgmt-net
>      >
>      > And then create a normal subnet attached to this network with some
>      > largeish address scope. I wouldn't use 
>     <> because docker
>      > uses that by default. I'm not sure if it matters since the network
>      > traffic will be isolated on a bridge, but it makes me paranoid so I
>      > avoided it.
>      >
>      > For your controllers, I think you can just let everything
>     function off
>      > your api interface since you're routing in your spines. Set up a
>      > gateway somewhere from that lb-mgmt network and save yourself the
>      > complication of adding an interface to your controllers. If you
>     choose
>      > to use a separate interface on your controllers, you'll need to make
>      > sure this patch is in your kolla-ansible install or cherry pick it.
>      >
>      >
> https://github.com/openstack/kolla-ansible/commit/0b6e401c4fdb9aa4ff87d0bfd4b25c91b86e0d60#diff-6c871f6865aecf0057a5b5f677ae7d59
>      >
>      > I don't think that's been backported at all, so unless you're running
>      > off master you'll need to go get it.
>      >
>      >  From here on out, the regular Octavia instruction should serve you.
>      > Create a flavor, Create a security group, and capture their UUIDs
>      > along with the UUID of the provider network you made. Override
>     them in
>      > globals.yml with:
>      >
>      > octavia_amp_boot_network_list: <uuid>
>      > octavia_amp_secgroup_list: <uuid>
>      > octavia_amp_flavor_id: <uuid>
>      >
>      > This is all from my scattered notes and bad memory. Hopefully it
>     makes
>      > sense. Corrections welcome.
>      >
>      > -Erik
>      >
>      >
>      >
>      >>
>      >>
>      >>>
>      >>> -Erik
>      >>>>
>      >>>> All the best,
>      >>>> Florian
>      >>>> _______________________________________________
>      >>>> OpenStack-operators mailing list
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>     --
>     EveryWare AG
>     Florian Engelmann
>     Systems Engineer
>     Zurlindenstrasse 52a
>     CH-8003 Zürich
>     tel: +41 44 466 60 00
>     fax: +41 44 466 60 10
>     mail: 
> mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch>
> <mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch<mailto:florian.engelm...@everyware.ch>>
>     web: http://www.everyware.ch


EveryWare AG
Florian Engelmann
Systems Engineer
Zurlindenstrasse 52a
CH-8003 Zürich

tel: +41 44 466 60 00
fax: +41 44 466 60 10
web: http://www.everyware.ch

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