No disk errors in the kern.log.   The filesystem is fine.   I really think
this will turn out to be a bug or a timing (slowness) issue.

I will try some of the other recent suggestions, and failing those try to
track this down with strace.


On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 7:02 PM, Alex Yang <> wrote:

> There are any error about disk in the kern.log?
> 2012/10/30 Nathan Trueblood <>
>> Still no further clues.   I re-created all the volumes I'm using for
>> Swift.  Plenty of Inodes free:
>>  lab@data02:~$ df -i
>> Filesystem        Inodes IUsed     IFree IUse% Mounted on
>> /dev/sda2       12214272 39290  12174982    1% /
>> none              107979   482    107497    1% /dev
>> none              107979   268    107711    1% /run
>> none              107979     2    107977    1% /run/lock
>> none              107979     1    107978    1% /run/shm
>> /dev/sda1          49152    23     49129    1% /boot
>> /dev/sda4      134046400    37 134046363    1% /srv/node/sda4
>> I successfully upload a small object to container cont1, then cont2.
>> When I upload to cont3, I see the following in the object-server log
>> (data02)
>> This seems to be the problematic sequence:
>> Data02 has ip
>> Data03 has ip
>> 1. First the account server reports an HTTP 201 on the container from a
>> different object server in a different zone.
>> 2. Then the object server reports a 404 trying to HEAD the new object.
>> 3. Then the object server reports a 507 trying to PUT the new object.
>> From this point the operation eventually fails and the proxy reports a
>> 503.
>> Oct 29 17:58:20 data02 account-server - -
>> [30/Oct/2012:00:58:20 +0000] "PUT /sda4/116021/AUTH_system/cont3" 201 -
>> "tx5a3ca6c845af41928e0ba6b7bc58d2da" "-" "-" 0.0082 ""
>> Oct 29 17:58:20 data02 object-server - -
>> [30/Oct/2012:00:58:20 +0000] "HEAD
>> /sda4/257613/AUTH_system/cont3/home/lab/bigfile3" 404 - "-"
>> "tx5f21503ff12e45e39a80eb52f6757261" "-" 0.0011
>> Oct 29 17:58:20 data02 object-server - -
>> [30/Oct/2012:00:58:20 +0000] "PUT
>> /sda4/257613/AUTH_system/cont3/home/lab/bigfile3" 507 - "-"
>> "tx425494dc372740e28d043a07d3a08b9a" "-" 0.0031
>> In an earlier, successful transaction I noticed that between Steps 1 and
>> 2 above, there is a response from the container-server:
>> Oct 29 17:57:59 data02 account-server - -
>> [30/Oct/2012:00:57:59 +0000] "PUT /sda4/116021/AUTH_system/cont2" 201 -
>> "txb10d75886bf14e4eba14fcc52d81c5d9" "-" "-" 0.0182 ""
>> Oct 29 17:57:59 data02 container-server - -
>> [30/Oct/2012:00:57:59 +0000] "PUT /sda4/122355/AUTH_system/cont2" 201 -
>> "txb10d75886bf14e4eba14fcc52d81c5d9" "-" "-" 0.1554
>> Oct 29 17:57:59 data02 object-server - -
>> [30/Oct/2012:00:57:59 +0000] "HEAD
>> /sda4/226151/AUTH_system/cont2/home/lab/bigfile3" 404 - "-"
>> "tx1c514850530849d1bfbfa716d9039b87" "-" 0.0012
>> Oct 29 17:57:59 data02 container-server - -
>> [30/Oct/2012:00:57:59 +0000] "PUT
>> /sda4/122355/AUTH_system/cont2/home/lab/bigfile3" 201 -
>> "tx8130af5cae484e5f9c5a25541d1c87aa" "-" "-" 0.0041
>> Oct 29 17:57:59 data02 object-server - -
>> [30/Oct/2012:00:57:59 +0000] "PUT
>> /sda4/226151/AUTH_system/cont2/home/lab/bigfile3" 201 - "-"
>> "tx8130af5cae484e5f9c5a25541d1c87aa" "-" 0.1716
>> So maybe the container server is failing to create the new container?
>> Maybe a bug in auto-create of containers?
>> Definitely NOT a problem with the filesystem, but something is causing
>> the object-server to think there is a problem with the filesystem.
>> I suspect a bug in one of the underlying libraries.
>> Any further suggestions on how to troubleshoot?
>> Thanks.   When I finally find the solution, I'll post my results.
>> -N
>> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 11:21 PM, John Dickinson <> wrote:
>>> A 507 is returned by the object servers in 2 situations: 1) the drives
>>> are full or 2) the drives have been unmounted because of disk error.
>>> It's highly likely that you simply have full drives. Remember that the
>>> usable space in your cluster is 1/N where N = replica count. As an example,
>>> with 3 replicas and 5 nodes with a single 1TB drive each, you only have
>>> about 1.6TB available for data.
>>> As Pete suggested in his response, how big are your drives, and what
>>> does `df` tell you?
>>> --John
>>> On Oct 26, 2012, at 5:26 PM, Nathan Trueblood <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hey folks-
>>> >
>>> > I'm trying to figure out what's going wrong with my Swift deployment
>>> on a small cluster of "mini" servers.   I have a small test cluster (5
>>> storage nodes, 1 proxy) of mini-servers that are ARM-based.   The proxy is
>>> a regular, Intel-based server with plenty of RAM.   The
>>> object/account/container servers are relatively small, with 2GB of RAM per
>>> node.
>>> >
>>> > Everything starts up fine, but now I'm trying to troubleshoot a
>>> strange problem.   After I successfully upload a few test files, it seems
>>> like the storage system stops responding and the proxy gives me a 503 error.
>>> >
>>> > Here's the test sequence I run on my proxy:
>>> >
>>> > lab@proxy01:~/bin$ ./ stat
>>> > swift -A http://proxy01:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass stat
>>> >    Account: AUTH_system
>>> > Containers: 5
>>> >    Objects: 4
>>> >      Bytes: 47804968
>>> > Accept-Ranges: bytes
>>> > X-Timestamp: 1351294912.72119
>>> > lab@proxy01:~/bin$ ./ upload myfiles1 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > swift -A http://proxy01:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass
>>> upload myfiles1 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > lab@proxy01:~/bin$ ./ upload myfiles2 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > swift -A http://proxy01:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass
>>> upload myfiles2 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > lab@proxy01:~/bin$ ./ upload myfiles3 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > swift -A http://proxy01:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass
>>> upload myfiles3 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > lab@proxy01:~/bin$ ./ upload myfiles4 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > swift -A http://proxy01:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass
>>> upload myfiles4 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > lab@proxy01:~/bin$ ./ upload myfiles5 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > swift -A http://proxy01:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass
>>> upload myfiles5 /home/lab/bigfile1
>>> > Object PUT failed:
>>> 503
>>> Service Unavailable  [first 60 chars of response] 503 Service Unavailable
>>> >
>>> > The server is currently unavailable
>>> > lab@proxy01:~/bin$ ./ stat
>>> > swift -A http://proxy01:8080/auth/v1.0 -U system:root -K testpass stat
>>> >    Account: AUTH_system
>>> > Containers: 6
>>> >    Objects: 5
>>> >      Bytes: 59756210
>>> > Accept-Ranges: bytes
>>> > X-Timestamp: 1351294912.72119
>>> >
>>> > Here's the corresponding log on the Proxy:
>>> >
>>> > Oct 26 17:06:52 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/06/52
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0010
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:13 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/13
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0017
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:13 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/13
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0016
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:22 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/22
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0010
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:22 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/22
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0016
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:27 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/27
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0010
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:27 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/27
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0016
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:27 proxy01 proxy-server Handoff requested (1) (txn:
>>> tx6946419daba54efe9c2878f8a2a78f88) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:27 proxy01 proxy-server Handoff requested (2) (txn:
>>> tx6946419daba54efe9c2878f8a2a78f88) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/33
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0010
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/33
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0016
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 proxy01 proxy-server Handoff requested (1) (txn:
>>> tx5f9659f74cb2491f9a63cbb84f680c5c) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 proxy01 proxy-server Handoff requested (2) (txn:
>>> tx5f9659f74cb2491f9a63cbb84f680c5c) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:39 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/39
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0009
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:39 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/07/39
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0009
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:39 proxy01 proxy-server Handoff requested (1) (txn:
>>> tx8dc917a4a8c84c40a4429b7bab0323c6) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:39 proxy01 proxy-server Handoff requested (2) (txn:
>>> tx8dc917a4a8c84c40a4429b7bab0323c6) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:40 proxy01 proxy-server Object PUT returning 503, 1/2
>>> required connections (txn: tx8dc917a4a8c84c40a4429b7bab0323c6) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:41 proxy01 proxy-server Object PUT returning 503, 1/2
>>> required connections (txn: tx07a1f5dfaa23445a88eaa4a2ade68466) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:43 proxy01 proxy-server Object PUT returning 503, 1/2
>>> required connections (txn: tx938d08b706844db3886695b798bd9fad) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:47 proxy01 proxy-server Object PUT returning 503, 1/2
>>> required connections (txn: txa35e9f8a54924f139e13d6f3a5dc457f) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:55 proxy01 proxy-server Object PUT returning 503, 1/2
>>> required connections (txn: txc2f5c35b54a14b32a2d0178423bc7771) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:08:11 proxy01 proxy-server Object PUT returning 503, 1/2
>>> required connections (txn: txd8df89e76edd40f3b4c04091b3cbc857) (client_ip:
>>> > Oct 26 17:08:17 proxy01 proxy-server - 27/Oct/2012/00/08/17
>>> GET /auth/v1.0/ HTTP/1.0 200 - - - - - - - - 0.0011
>>> >
>>> > And here's the log from one of the Storage Nodes:
>>> >
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:20 data05 container-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:20 +0000] "PUT /sda6/200589/AUTH_system/myfiles1" 201 -
>>> "tx063cd0643ef64d169b3bc5a86a808df4" "-" "-" 0.0510
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:20 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:20 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles1" 201 -
>>> "tx063cd0643ef64d169b3bc5a86a808df4" "-" "-" 0.0154 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:20 data05 object-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:20 +0000] "HEAD
>>> /sda6/36256/AUTH_system/myfiles1/home/lab/bigfile1" 404 - "-"
>>> "tx6f1018e5da4d4974a85d544a0874a581" "-" 0.0015
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:21 data05 object-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:21 +0000] "PUT
>>> /sda6/36256/AUTH_system/myfiles1/home/lab/bigfile1" 201 - "-"
>>> "tx59f931d3281d41159eba0e0c88c18107" "-" 1.0255
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:21 data05 container-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:21 +0000] "PUT
>>> /sda6/200589/AUTH_system/myfiles1/home/lab/bigfile1" 201 -
>>> "tx59f931d3281d41159eba0e0c88c18107" "-" "-" 0.0218
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:24 data05 account-replicator Beginning replication run
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:25 data05 account-replicator Replication run OVER
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:25 data05 account-replicator Attempted to replicate 1 dbs
>>> in 0.21688 seconds (4.61073/s)
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:25 data05 account-replicator Removed 0 dbs
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:25 data05 account-replicator 2 successes, 0 failures
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:25 data05 account-replicator no_change:0 ts_repl:0 diff:2
>>> rsync:0 diff_capped:0 hashmatch:0 empty:0
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:28 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:28 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles1" 201 -
>>> "-" "-" "-" 0.0021 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:29 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:29 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles2" 201 -
>>> "txbace9f92a41a4645beb9159a802fc12d" "-" "-" 0.0178 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:30 data05 object-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:30 +0000] "PUT
>>> /sda6/63086/AUTH_system/myfiles2/home/lab/bigfile1" 201 - "-"
>>> "txa4fac7ceab2948ae9010b4ce4cb56b97" "-" 0.7135
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 data05 object-replicator Starting object replication
>>> pass.
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 data05 object-replicator 4/4 (100.00%) partitions
>>> replicated in 0.17s (23.71/sec, 0s remaining)
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 data05 object-replicator 4 suffixes checked - 50.00%
>>> hashed, 0.00% synced
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 data05 object-replicator Partition times: max 0.1012s,
>>> min 0.0164s, med 0.0273s
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:33 data05 object-replicator Object replication complete.
>>> (0.00 minutes)
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:34 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:34 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles3" 201 -
>>> "txa547450c156d4df9ad7e42c04dcabd8f" "-" "-" 0.0168 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:34 data05 container-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:34 +0000] "PUT /sda6/118594/AUTH_system/myfiles3" 202 -
>>> "txa547450c156d4df9ad7e42c04dcabd8f" "-" "-" 0.0399
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:35 data05 container-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:35 +0000] "PUT
>>> /sda6/118594/AUTH_system/myfiles3/home/lab/bigfile1" 201 -
>>> "tx6946419daba54efe9c2878f8a2a78f88" "-" "-" 0.0022
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:35 data05 object-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:35 +0000] "PUT
>>> /sda6/35436/AUTH_system/myfiles3/home/lab/bigfile1" 201 - "-"
>>> "tx6946419daba54efe9c2878f8a2a78f88" "-" 0.6806
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:36 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:36 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles2" 201 -
>>> "-" "-" "-" 0.0021 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:37 data05 object-auditor Begin object audit "forever"
>>> mode (ZBF)
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:37 data05 object-auditor Object audit (ZBF) "forever"
>>> mode completed: 0.04s. Total quarantined: 0, Total errors: 0, Total
>>> files/sec: 89.46 , Total bytes/sec: 0.00, Auditing time: 0.04, Rate: 0.95
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:40 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:40 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles4" 201 -
>>> "txe095c94f8e5c4c4681a8d6a9c330bb7b" "-" "-" 0.0200 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:40 data05 container-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:40 +0000] "PUT /sda6/217542/AUTH_system/myfiles4" 202 -
>>> "txe095c94f8e5c4c4681a8d6a9c330bb7b" "-" "-" 0.0671
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:40 data05 container-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:40 +0000] "PUT
>>> /sda6/217542/AUTH_system/myfiles4/home/lab/bigfile1" 201 -
>>> "tx5f9659f74cb2491f9a63cbb84f680c5c" "-" "-" 0.0023
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:40 data05 object-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:40 +0000] "PUT
>>> /sda6/49697/AUTH_system/myfiles4/home/lab/bigfile1" 201 - "-"
>>> "tx5f9659f74cb2491f9a63cbb84f680c5c" "-" 0.6038
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:44 data05 container-updater Begin container update sweep
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:44 data05 container-replicator Beginning replication run
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:44 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:44 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles1" 201 -
>>> "-" "-" "-" 0.0021 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:44 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:44 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles3" 201 -
>>> "-" "-" "-" 0.0021 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:44 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:44 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles4" 201 -
>>> "-" "-" "-" 0.0021 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:45 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles2" 201 -
>>> "-" "-" "-" 0.0023 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:45 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles1" 201 -
>>> "-" "-" "-" 0.0020 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 container-replicator Replication run OVER
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:45 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles3" 201 -
>>> "-" "-" "-" 0.0223 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 container-replicator Attempted to replicate 5
>>> dbs in 0.83001 seconds (6.02399/s)
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 container-replicator Removed 0 dbs
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 container-replicator 10 successes, 0 failures
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 container-replicator no_change:8 ts_repl:0
>>> diff:2 rsync:0 diff_capped:0 hashmatch:0 empty:0
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:45 data05 container-updater Container update sweep
>>> completed: 0.98s
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:46 data05 account-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:46 +0000] "PUT /sda6/116021/AUTH_system/myfiles5" 201 -
>>> "tx7ba0264da03c485ca3c3b4048f6a3d8c" "-" "-" 0.0098 ""
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:46 data05 container-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:46 +0000] "PUT /sda6/122255/AUTH_system/myfiles5" 202 -
>>> "tx7ba0264da03c485ca3c3b4048f6a3d8c" "-" "-" 0.0465
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:46 data05 object-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:46 +0000] "HEAD
>>> /sda6/150861/AUTH_system/myfiles5/home/lab/bigfile1" 404 - "-"
>>> "txf08e8b91b2894a9da099f26b5300327b" "-" 0.0011
>>> > Oct 26 17:07:46 data05 object-server - -
>>> [27/Oct/2012:00:07:46 +0000] "PUT
>>> /sda6/150861/AUTH_system/myfiles5/home/lab/bigfile1" 507 - "-"
>>> "tx8dc917a4a8c84c40a4429b7bab0323c6" "-" 0.0031
>>> >
>>> > Right now, there is nothing special in the object-server.conf:
>>> >
>>> > [DEFAULT]
>>> > bind_ip =
>>> > workers = 1
>>> >
>>> > [pipeline:main]
>>> > pipeline = object-server
>>> >
>>> > [app:object-server]
>>> > use = egg:swift#object
>>> >
>>> > [object-replicator]
>>> >
>>> > [object-updater]
>>> >
>>> > [object-auditor]
>>> >
>>> > [object-server]
>>> > set log_level = DEBUG
>>> >
>>> > My general question is: how do I troubleshoot this?   I've tried
>>> turning on debug logging on the Object Server, but I don't get any
>>> additional clues.
>>> >
>>> > The Object-servers do give a 507 error, which might indicate a disk
>>> problem, but there is nothing wrong with the storage drive.   And also if
>>> there was a fundamental drive problem then I wouldn't be able to upload
>>> objects in the first place.
>>> >
>>> > My best guess at the moment is that I should adjust the configuration
>>> of the object servers to reflect their lower performance.   What would I
>>> adjust, the cache size?   I'm not seeing any log messages that would
>>> indicate a time-out.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks in advance for your advice.
>>> >
>>> > -N
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>   杨雨
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