Matthias Brugger wrote:

> On 10/03/2019 19:35, Per Jessen wrote:
>> Well, at least I have a vcio module that builds now, we'll see it if
>> it also works.
> It seems that there is another thread on this mailing list, but I
> wasn't able to find it. What do you want to achieve?

Hi Matthias,

nothing too complex I hope, I just want to control a series of WS2812
LEDs, using the code/utilities from

>> The code for using the PWM to generate control signals for a line of
>> WS2812Bs also uses /dev/mem to access the Raspi hardware - with the
>> openSUSE kernel, this is blocked by CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM.  I don't
>> see
>> any kernel argument or switch to disable that restriction.  (I tried
>> strict_devmem=0, didn't work).
>> I'm rebuilding a kernel without CONFIG_STRICT_DEVMEM, but I can't
>> help wondering if we shouldn't have a dedicated kernel optimized for
>> use on the Raspi?  Using kernel-default seems silly.
> In general you can provide patches against openSUSE kernel
> configuaration if there is anything you think it should be
> enabled/disabled.

Cool, I might well make some suggestions. 

> STRICT_DEVMEM is a security feature so IMHO there should be a good
> reason to disable it. From your email I understand that you want to
> access PWM via /dev/mem. That looks wrong. The PWMs should be accessed
> through the sysfs.

Yes, I get the idea of /dev/mem, but I see lots of code for Raspis that
is using /dev/mem ?  None of what I have seen even mentions having to
disable STRICT_DEVMEM.  

> Can you please give some more background on what you want to do and
> how you try to achieve that?

For controlling the WS2812, I need to transmit data at around 800kHz -
with libgpiod, I was only able to generate a waveform of about 400kHz
(on a gpio).  I gave that up and then I stumbled on which looks to be the right way to

That code expects to use /dev/vcio for talking to the GPU mailbox as
well as /dev/mem for working with the PWM. 

Per Jessen, Zürich (5.3°C) - dedicated server rental in Switzerland.

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