On Mon, Feb 24, 2020 at 12:55:05PM +0100, Matthias G. Eckermann wrote:
> Hello Axel,
> On 2020-02-24 T 11:41 +0100 Axel Braun wrote:
> > Am Sonntag, 23. Februar 2020, 22:36:33 CET schrieb Matthias G. Eckermann:
> > > On 2020-02-23 T 17:03 +0100 Axel Braun wrote:
> > > > Except that I feel that one should not use btrfs on a 32GB
> > > > SD card
> > > 
> > > one of the reasons to use btrfs for the RPi image (I know
> > > that at least for SUSE Linux Enterprise) is that it is
> > > compressed and thus the low IO-throughput of the SD card
> > > interface is accelerated; assuming a compression rate for
> > > the OS part of more than 30%, the performance factor should
> > > be similar for reads and writes.
> > 
> > Thanks for the information! 
> > 
> > So the old rule (i remember some discussions on the factory
> > mailing list from some time ago) that btrfs on less than 40GB
> > is not recommended, is not valid any longer?
> well. I would have never called this "40GiB" a "rule", but more
> a "recommendation" for a btrfs root filesystem *with* snapshots
> enabled, and this recommendation has a *lot* of safety buffer
> included. 
> Mind that this heavily depends on the 
> - distribution
> and 
> - your personal way of applying updates.
> To add some details:
> * For a Tumbleweed with add-hoc updates enabled, I would 
>   rate 40 GiB the lower limit, indeed, better more, as
>   you have a lot of change, thus lots of snapshots and
>   lots of metadata.
> * For a Leap or SUSE Linux Enterprise with, let's say,
>   planned weekly updates, you can easily work with a
>   btrfs filesystem as small as twice the size of the OS
>   installation, or for an extra buffer three times:
>       MINIMAL_SIZE=$(( 3* $( du -msx / | cut -d'/' -f1) ))
>   I personally run (all my) systems with a 32 GiB root
>   filesystem with snapshots enabled, and the number of 
>   snapshots limited to 8 in total.
> That said, for a Raspberry Pi and an SD card, I would recommend
> to apply updates rather carefully and not in tumbleweed style,
> because the SD card might not like this too much:-/ Thus, a
> 32 GiB filesystem (with compression enabled this is equivalent
> to 42 GiB or more effectively) should be very comfortable.

To move even closer to a real sytem: I'm running btrfs on 12GB
without snapshotting, and it "works". In quotes because I have
not done comparisons or even benchmarks vs. f2fs or ext4.


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