Hi Marguerite,

On Tue, 21 May 2013 20:21:16 +0800
Marguerite Su <i...@marguerite.su> wrote:

> Can I just create a single pdf for DC-opensuse-startup:
> daps --docconfig=DC-opensuse-startup color-pdf bigfile

You can either create the PDF (with the color-pdf subcommand) or
validate and create a bigfile. You can't have both. ;)

Do you use the source from our SVN repository?

> But the number doesn't match, eg:
> /home/marguerite/opensuse-doc/zh_CN/build/.profiled/x86-amd64-em64t_osuse_/MAIN.opensuse.xml:94:
> element keycombo: validity error : Element keycombo content does not
> follow the DTD, expecting (keycap)+, got

According to the above error message, you have something like this:

  <keycombo> ... </keycombo>

Unfortunately, you've cut the important part after the "got ..." ;) No
problem, we can deal without it. 

However, the DTD expects at least one keycap like this:


Well, one keycap in keycombo doesn't really make sense, so keycombo is
only useful for more than one. The reason for this is, a keycombo
represents a key press of two or more keys. Something like this:


> Actually build/.tmp/book.opensuse.startup.xml:94 is:
>   <varlistentry>
> not the error. even no keycombo in it.

I know, the numbers can be a pain.

I've looked at the zh_CN source and there seem to be some validation
errors. Usually it's best to run a "daps --docconfig=DC-opensuse-startup
validate" and go through all the error messages.

For example, I got the following validation error (like you):

  nm.xml:78: element menuchoice: validity error : Element menuchoice
  content does not follow the DTD, expecting (shortcut? , guimenu+), got
  (guimenu CDATA guimenu)

That means, it's in the nm.xml file under the subdirectory "xml/".
Unfortunately, you can't rely on the line number. A better(?) approach
could be to first generate the so-called "bigfile" (everything is in
one file) and then validate it again. Something like this:

1. Run "daps --docconfig=DC-opensuse-startup bigfile"
   => Gives you the complete file, saved under

2. Load that file into a editor (Emacs, vi, ...)

3. Validate separately with the command:
   $ xmllint --valid --noout build/.tmp/book.opensuse.startup.xml \
     2> validation-errors.txt

4. Open the validation-errors.txt files and fix the errors step by step.

If I do that, I get same error, but with a correct line number:

  build/.tmp/book.opensuse.startup.xml:37766: element menuchoice:
  validity error : Element menuchoice content does not follow the DTD,
  expecting (shortcut? , guimenu+), got (guimenu CDATA guimenu)
  <guimenu>网络设备</guimenu>⏎ <guimenu>网络设置</guimenu></menuchoice>

If I now open the build/.tmp/book.opensuse.startup.xml file, I can jump
to the respective line. 

There is a "⏎ " between each guimenu. That's not allowed, the
stylesheets inserts a character automatically (actually, it's a
different one). 

Notice, don't fix the error in the temporary file, fix it in the
original(!) file. If you scroll up to the first section, you see a sect1
element with the id="sec.nm.activate". 

Use that information for your grep command to find all the occurances
of this ID:

  $ grep "sec.nm.activate" xml/*.xml

The only file which contains an id=... line is xml/nm.xml. Open that
file, jump to the same structure (line numbers are different!), fix the
problem and validate it again. The error should disappear.

    Thomas Schraitle

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