Christian Boltz píše v Po 30. 09. 2013 v 22:23 +0200:
> Hello,
> Am Montag, 30. September 2013 schrieb Juergen Weigert:
> > On Sep 30, 13 18:25:49 +0200, Christian Boltz wrote:
> > > Am Montag, 30. September 2013 schrieb Frank Sundermeyer:
> > > > It has been decided to move the openSUSE documentation to
> > > > ActiveDoc is a new interactive
> > > > openSUSE documentation platform where you can not only read the
> > > > manuals, but also can edit them in WYSIWYG style.
> > > 
> > > I have a silly question - how? ;-)
> > 
> > Editing appears disabled currently. I also cannot edit anything.
> > Investigating.
> Any results?

now adding new/editing own content is enabled for every registered user

> > > BTW: I'd also recommend to reduce the height of the header,
> > > especially on the start page - on 900x1440px laptop screens, the
> > > "Current documents" section is only partially visible without
> > > scrolling.
> > Hmm, with Firefox, it easily fits in a 1340 x 840 window. I can see
> > ''ActiveDoc is...'' below, and 'Recent Changes'' next to the ''Current
> > documents'' listing.
> It probably depends on the amount of toolbars you have ;-)
> In Firefox (with the bookmark "tool"bar and the web developer toolbar - 
> in other words: not too much), the last thing I see without scrolling 
> are the "openSUSE 12.3" headlines of the current documents, but not the 
> titles like "Security Guide".

i'm adding this into my TODO list

> > > Oh, and while I'm in complain mode: I tried to add my Novell account
> > > in the user preferences / HybridAuth, but this only opens a new
> > > window for some seconds without doing any changes.
> > 
> > The window should open for a few seconds, then close. And then the
> > main window would refresh, to show your user name in the top row.
> > Again that works fine with Firefox. Time for me to test konqueror,
> > maybe?

maybe, but definitely not now please. But if konqueror's webkit based,
it should be ok anyway.....try google or fb login (novell login
sometimes troubles even me...)

> Yes, maybe ;-)
> I just tested in Firefox _without_ logging in before (so basically I 
> logged in with the Novell account), got a confirmation mail and it 
> worked.
> I then tried to change the username to "cboltz" and got
>     The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
> It's not too surprising that this fails (I already use "cboltz" for the 
> account I have for my mail address), but I'd expect a better error 
> message, for example
>     This username is already used by someone else. Please choose 
>     a different username.
> Another test in Konqueror showed that logging in with the Novell account 
> is still not working, so you should really start testing Konqueror ;-)
> BTW: Regarding Konqueror version - I'm using Factory - but I'm quite 
> sure you are not surprised about this ,-)
> Regards,
> Christian Boltz
> -- 
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> Die phpBB Entwickler haben wohl viele dieser Möglichkeiten genutzt.
> [Kommentar auf]

Tomáš Bažant <>

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