On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 09:46:15AM -0600, Chad Groneman wrote:
> Once in a while, I file bugs and feel they're not getting proper
> attention.  I don't know what's on the developer's plates, and don't
> want to scream and yell when they've got more important things to do,
> but at the same time I want acknowledgement from someone.  I don't know
> what my expectations should be, but right now my expectations are that
> most bugs be acknowledged within about 24 hours, especially if I mark a
> bug as "Major" severity.
> What should my expectations be?
> In particular, I'm concerned about 166027 (filed about 24 hours ago).

Just some comments:
- bugzilla is a developement tool, not a support or CRM tool. Meaning,
  the priority is to aid the developers in their work, not keeping
  "customers" happy. A developer might acknowledge a bug the moment he
  begins working on it, not the moment he receives it. 
- you should realize that the majority of the developers are located in
  Germany (that's in Europe). There are time differences involved (not
  everyone works 24 hrs/day like Andreas Jaeger), and cultural
  differences (there's a public holiday today). 
- so, basically, you filed a bug after office hours yesterday while
  there's a public holiday today. Not a very big chance to get developer
- and while I'm at it: monday will be a public holiday, too. So don't
  hold your breath till tuesday...


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