Here comes my view:

At this point users will be confused. And that is not so weird. When I only 
look at how ZEN is fragmented: 

Why in Earth aren't these together? It similar with having a Calculator with: 
the components:
Calculate Decrease
Calculate Increase
Calculate Round


YaST2 was/is almost perfect. You can start the center: install, remove, 
update. It is a solid center for the packagemanagement. The only thing it 
misses is the patches that is handled by YOU/Watcher.

We have to choose one solution. If we want ZEN (and it is bugfixed) we have to 
make a YaST2/ZEN combination. One center that does everything based on the 
options it gets. 

We have to combine the best of both worlds. YaST2 works fenomenal with 
searching thru information, selection on source and more. ZEN must not 
replace, but extend YaST2 in my opinion.

For consolemode I recommend using rug and y2pmsh (second it more relaxed if 
you want to do a lot). And of course we just need to have yast like it is 


Here comes my plan:

- Combo Yast2/Zen (under Yast2) handles all GUI-package/patches-management.
- rug and y2pmsh (rugsh) for CLI (replaces rpm)
- yast ncurse

- repodata will have to be downloaded once in total and after that only 
update-parts. (maybe some sort of system like in p2p that can download chunks 
of a total-file. Don't know if that is possible). 
- update check only haves to see the filesize then, to see if there are 
updates in that repo. That is a _lot_ faster I guess.
- Maybe a sensor would be nice. If the user need CPU/Memory then the progress 
will pause/low prio. If the user is gonna work in Kwrite it can take some 
CPU/mMemory to do the parsing and stuff.

-If you select a package and click 'Install this', YaST must know is just have 
to install without showing the big window. Just a little progressbar with a 
detail-tab would be nice (and it must be tray-able).
- Patches/updates exactly the same. The icon in the tray gives a proper color 
of majority (just like Watcher did), you click, windows displays some 
options, update/patch all, done.


Yast2-center has to be cleaned. That is not a problem cause Yast is going to 
take over Patches also ;-) and some other things fit well under 1 name.

- Software Management
        includes: install, remove, update, patch
- Installation Sources
        Add-On product will be included as well as Patch CD.  CD-check will be 
option here. Does not make any sense to have it all separated.
- Setup Online Update
        includes also Novell Customers bla bla...
- Upgrade Suse-version

-  Installation in a Directory: 
        What? dump it somewhere only the experts can
        find it.

Back to the basic. Back to the roots from Joe Avarage who does not 
understand/use a lot of options. If someone has a better way of ordering this 
please tell us....


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