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Andreas Jaeger wrote:

> > > * You can now remove the software catalog you added in the first step.
> > >   Use "yast2 inst_source" and delete the catalog.
> > Here a popup window appeared, stating: "Error: Cannot stop
> > '/etc/init.d/novell-zmd' service". I clicked OK, and the inst_source
> > module finished. Not sure if this is critical. Are there any logs that
> > would help here? Bugzilla?
> Bugzilla - with /var/log/zmd-messages.log appended.

OK, this is now filed as BUG#181126 - hope it helps.

> > > * Restart the zen-updater applet on your desktop (it will stop itself
> > >   since zmd gets stopped during the update).
> >
> > Hmm, the applet stayed in the KDE panel for me. To be safe, I restarted
> > it manually. Strange, before I restarted it, I stated that 11 patches
> > are available. After the restart, these are gone (no orange exclamation
> > mark anymore). Bugzilla?
> Check with "rug patches" what it outputs - and then it might be worth
> a report.  It really depends.

I guess I need to get used to the output of this tool first.
"rug patches" lists a number of patches, but I guess none of these apply
for me, hence the applet is silent:

1 | Active | ZYPP |
SUSE-Linux-10.1-DVD9-x86-x86_64-10.1-0-20060601-155143 |
2 | Active | ZYPP | SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates
   | http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/suse/update/10.1/
3 | Active | ZYPP | 20060602-013154
   | http://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/misc/packman/suse/10.1/
4 | Active | ZYPP | 20060602-014612
   | http://software.opensuse.org/download/KDE:/KDE3/SUSE_Linux_10.1/

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> rug catalogs

Sub'd? | Name                                                   |
Yes    | SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates                                |
Yes    | SUSE-Linux-10.1-DVD9-x86-x86_64-10.1-0-20060601-155143 |
Yes    | 20060602-013154                                        |
Yes    | 20060602-014612                                        |

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> rug patches

Catalog                 | Name              | Version | Category    | Status
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | aaa_skel          | 1444-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | avahi             | 1399-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | cron              | 1440-0  | security    |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | dhcdbd            | 1315-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | dhcp              | 1316-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | dhcp              | 1424-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | dia               | 1435-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | dia               | 1421-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | dovecot           | 1398-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | foomatic-filters  | 1436-0  | security    |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | gnome2-SuSE       | 1428-0  | recommended |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | gtk-sharp2        | 1427-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | ivman             | 1423-0  | recommended |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | java-1_5_0-sun    | 1438-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | kdeadmin3         | 1439-0  | recommended |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | kdebase3          | 1449-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | ksh               | 1452-0  | recommended |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | libextractor      | 1426-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
System                  | libzypp           | 1455-0  | recommended |
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | mysql             | 1312-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | nagios-www        | 1311-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | netbeans          | 1451-0  | optional    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | NetworkManager    | 1434-0  | security    |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | openldap2         | 1323-0  | recommended |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | opera             | 1313-0  | security    |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | pdns              | 1314-0  | security    |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | powersave         | 1430-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | qt3               | 1441-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | rekall            | 1432-0  | recommended |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | susehelp          | 1431-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | syslog-ng         | 1446-0  | recommended |
Not needed
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | util-linux-crypto | 1425-0  | recommended |
Not Applicable
SUSE-Linux-10.1-Updates | xv                | 1448-0  | recommended |
Not needed

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
 Lenz Grimmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             -o)
 [ICQ: 160767607 | Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                /\\
 http://www.lenzg.org/                                       V_V
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Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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