On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 08:14:44PM +0200, jdd wrote:
> so plain ext2 is definitively the best choice.

As said, that is trivial at this point what it is.

> It's also a good idea to keep a separate /boot partition, 
> just in case some old hardaware with faulty BIOS (may be 
> there are still some around)

If you have old hardware with a faulty BIOS, you can alweays edit it. I
don't want it on my new hardware with a working Bios if I can avoid it.
The only reason that it is needed is that you can not boot it with /boot
being on LVM, otherwise please as little partiotioning as possible.

We have had this discussion before with the seperation of /home and /.
Please don't start it all over again.
houghi          http://houghi.org       http://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/
>               Today I went outside. My pupils have never been tinier...

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