Henne Vogelsang wrote:

> You and the author of that page forget one thing. Its impossible to set
> a reply to if the list adds one. The mailinglist software has to remove
> all reply-to headers first and the insert the list one. So if i want
> answers only to some mailbox (there are tons of reasons to do so)
> reply-to munging makes this impossible.

Mailman, at least, *adds* a Reply-to header -- it does not remove/munge existing
headers. So if an original post includes a Reply-to header and the Mailman list
server is configured for "Reply to List" then what the list subscribers receive
includes both Reply-to headers. And the mailers that I use (TB and Evo) both
deal with multiple Reply-to headers in a reasonable way.

-Tom (Who dislikes with the new mailing list behavior)
Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \ http://shorewall.net
PGP Public Key   \ https://lists.shorewall.net/teastep.pgp.key

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