Am Thursday 17 August 2006 17:47 schrieb Christian Boltz:
> Hello,
> Am Donnerstag, 17. August 2006 13:57 schrieb Andreas Jaeger:
> > Christian Boltz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > My proposal: KMail, evolution and Thunderbird [1] should come with
> > > the local mailbox account /var/spool/mail/username preconfigured so
> > > that system mails will be received "automatically".
> >
> > Please add this as a feature request on the wiki,
> OK, it's on now.
> BTW: Thanks for the (probably not intentional) reminder to propose a
> better handling for the wishlists. IMHO it's just painful to use the
> wiki for this...
> Reasons:
> - the wiki can't be searched by solution (there are some items marked as
>   solved, but still listed on the page)
> - if something is finally removed as "wontfix" from a package wishlist,
>   chances are good that it reappears sooner or later (may happen with
>   "done" also if it is removed before next stable release)

you would have the same with any other tool. It would be better to keep such 
entries and only add the reason why not to add it.

> - the package wishlists have a very bad usability - if you want to add a
>   comment or a wish, you have to find your way in the (long) tables

right, maybe we should rethink about the format ...

Our other solution, which we use inhouse for our buisness products is FATE 
btw. You may want to play around with it and comment, if you think this is 
also usable for a community ...

(we miss a FATE page in ... )

> My suggestion is to create a "openSUSE Wishlist" product in bugzilla
> (with the current wishlists as components), maybe with a special input
> form to have the fields that are currently in the wishlist always
> filled.
> (Yes, I know that there was a "package wishlist" in bugzilla already in
> pre-openSUSE times. And I wonder why it was moved to the wiki.)

the wiki is way more flexibel here and you can also see all the other package 
wishes in the same are (so this on might become obsolete).


Adrian Schroeter
SUSE Linux Products GmbH,  Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nuernberg, Germany

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