I would like to change the default permissions for the sound devices and 
the removable media. Right now (10.2 Alpha 3) the first user wins, 
meaning whoever logs on first gets the exclusive rights on the devices. 
Not very user friendly, except when you're the first one.

So I tried changing the rules for udev as laid out in /etc/udev/rules.d, 
but to no avail. I managed to change the group for the devices, but not 
the permissions (from 0600 to 0666 or at least 0644).

I then learned about resmgr and went and changed the 
file /etc/resmgr.conf.d/99-desktop.conf and added some rules for sound 
and cdrom devices. Still no success.

The next stop was in/etc/PolicyKit/privilege.d. There is a bunch of 
files which allegedly take care of permissions for all kinds of 
devices. I changed the file hal-storage-removable-mount-privilege, but 
that did not have any effect on the permissions for my dvd drive or the 
usb stick.

Before I finally mess up the hal configuration (I already checked: it's 
in /usr/share/hal and /etc/hal) I was wondering if anyone knows where I 
actually have to tweak my system to let the other users hear sound and 
mount dvd's (or at least play a video dvd with kaffeine & friends).

I figured it's got to be somewhere between udev, hal, resmgr and 
PolicyKit. Perhaps with pam also involved? Or is there another 
mechanism I didn't even think of (yet)?

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