On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 11:31:48AM +0200, Martin Schlander wrote:
> I agree with Richard and Silviu. We need games, no question. Both installed 
> by 
> default - and more on the discs and on ftp.
> Freeciv, Frozen-Bubble and Supertux are untouchable I think.

Wow! Looks like the game selection for the default installation I did
in the past was not that wrong. :-)

> In addition I think we should have kmines, some card game(s), a chess game, 

--> kdegames (kmines, kpat), knights  --> KDE-Games Pattern

> lbreakout2 

Another vote for lbreakout2. :-)

> and Metal Blob Solid - Blob Wars (it's a very nice shoot'em up, 
> arcade style game, http://www.parallelrealities.co.uk/blobWars.php). 

"Lost connection to MySQL server during query". Hmm, is there already
a package in the buildservice?

> Ksudoku 
> might also be a good idea - I don't know about the rest of the world - but 
> sudoku has been very big in Denmark the last year or so.

The same in Germany. We should consider to add this package to
KDE-Games pattern.

> However including all Kgames in standard installation would be overdoing it I 
> think.


> I very much like the feature of a 3D game installed by default, for testing 
> purposes etc. Xmoto is fine I guess, and so was gl-117 - but Racer (Racing 
> simulator, http://racer.nl), Glest (RTS, http://www.glest.org/en/index.html) 
> or Cube (FPS, http://www.cubeengine.com) would be a lot more impressive and 
> they'd prove a point about Linux gaming. But of course they'd also take up 
> more space.

Racer has been dropped a long time ago (see Wishlist for reasons),
Glest is simply to big and Cube is a 1st person shooter, which we
don't want to ship on our distribution for legal reasons. Otherwise we
might lose the right to ship "non-rated" games for the future.

Best regards,

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