jdd wrote:
> Rajko M a écrit :
>> Some editor has to be included and nano fits better because it's no
>> learning necessary type of editor, as mentioned in few other posts.
> we need mostly know the _size_ of nano and it's dependencies, more than
> the ease of use.
> I'm used on many linux variants (from mulinux and gentoo to suse) and
> the only thing I _always_ find is Vi on it's mini flavor (there is NO
> "original" Vi as I discovered once, but many flavors, Vim being the more
> common, but not the smaller). so any usual linux user (the one than can
> have to wotk on various machines) must have at least some sort of use ov
> Vi.

You're right that almost any Linux user has to have Vi installed in
their system but it still doesn't mean that they
        - even know they have it installed
        - known how to work with it
        - like it
        - are satisfied with working with it

Back in 90's I was used to have 'pico' and 'pine' in my system but the
time has changed ;)

Well, we could have both hard-core vi + some easy-to-operate editor for
novices :)


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