jdd schrieb:
> may be there was a problem with the last ipdate, the problem shows only
> until then

The problem will disappear with libzypp 2.4.0. And come back next time
something bad happens to your zmd.db for whatever reason. ;-)

> I add some words to inform anybody.
> http://en.opensuse.org/Using_zen-updater#Small_bug_fix

That's not a bugfix.

But the information is useful nevertheless as the 99 Google hits show.

Btw. most bulletin boards explicitly lock out the googlebot. That's why
there are just 99 hits - these could just as well be 999. ;-)

So, thanks, I will direct people to that wiki page in the future. It
makes life much easier because typing these commands again and again in
user forums bec{omes,ame} boring. ;-)

But there is a tiny mistake in it, because the problem is _not_
restricted to 10.1, 10.2 will have it as well. SLED10 anyone?
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