
Am Sonntag, 12. November 2006 12:34 schrieb Andreas Jaeger:
> Keith Goggin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I found deselecting Zenworks and selecting instead the "lightweight
> > alternative to Zenworks" did not prevent the ubiquitous Zenworks
> > from being installed. Note the red icon along side the "deselected"
> > Zenworks is defined as "Taboo-Never Install"
> >
> > I know this has already been reported but I think this is
> > potentially very serious at this late stage of testing.
> There're already bug reports for these - 

The only one I found (searching for "pattern taboo") is 
(current state is INVALID...)

The "problem" is that marking a pattern as taboo does not mark the 
contained packages as taboo. The packages are "only" unselected and can 
be re-selected via dependencies (which happens with zmd).

This is not the expected behaviour and can cause confusion - especially 
for the zenworks pattern which is probably the "top taboo" pattern ;-)

> I'll check this next week, 

Andreas, are there any results on this yet?


Christian Boltz
vi-Befehle sind sogar relativ einfach zu merken. Wenn man einmal weiß,
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y{ yy y^ y$ y0 yG machen.                [Bernd Bordesser in suse-linux]
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