Lukas Ocilka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Robby (M9.) wrote:
>>>> If you use the partitioner from yast, which i do, you are not able to
>>>> throw away, and recreate partitions,
>>> This _is_ possible - and I did this (on a 10.1 system) successfully.
>> This is not what i mean:
>> suppose you have 8 partitions: /boot, /root, /usr, /opt, /var, swap,
>> /home and /shared.
>> Now you want to make changes to 5 of them.
>> You will have to trow them away, to recreate them, there is, as far as i
>> know, no other way.
>> Simply because if you want more room in one, it goes by the cost  of the
>> next one.
>> How will you be able to make these changes and keep 3 of them, without
>> counting the cylinders?
>> I do not know...
> `yast2 disk`
> There is a [Resize] button that you can use for resizing primary or
> extended partitions or LVM. Yes, there is a problem that these
> partitions must _not_ be mounted when you want to resize them.
> You can resize the partition also during installation but, I'm afraid,
> that not during update.
>>> Hmm, I had no problems - maybe you should provide more details (and/or
>>> upload some screenshots somewhere ;-)
>> If you can throw everything away, certainly, there is no problem at all..
>> If you do not want to throw away your settings, and all the files you
>> want to keep, you will have to save them somewhere else, or burn them.
>> There is also no problem, if you want to keep your partitions the same
>> size, and only want to format them.
>> This is my workaround.
>> I do not know if you have ever used Partition Magic?
>> That would make my story more clear...
>> Sometimes, after experimenting with sizes, you learn, that sizes better
>> can be adjusted, to get the room, wherever it is realy needed.
>> Especialy when the OS builds realy change, it is nessesary to adjust the
>> partitions to the correct size.
>> (the why is that the machine is much faster if the systems searchtime is
>> shortened. (You can keep drivers and nessesary .exes (windows)And is
>> much easier to clean. I noticed that after using no partitions.)
>> Not to use seperate partitions is out of the question, for me
>> Partition Magic, from powerquest, is also thirthparty sw for windows.
>> Can be used to: resize, move, delete, create partitions, on a visual basis.
>> It counts the transactions, and processes them before starting up,
>> when nothing is in use.
>> It moves the data, resizes and renames, and that is it.
>> Never had a problem with it.
> Partition Magic sometimes needs to be run before the system is loaded
> but changes needs to be set in a running system, that's also not so
> nice. Nevertheless it has quite nice UI, that's true.
> AJ: Maybe it would make sense to have a special image on CD/DVD
> (possibly executable from Linuxrc) that would contain some r/w YaST
> modules, especially the partitioner. Just to tune the system.
> This could also solve our problem "installing openSUSE on computers with
> little memory" because one could prepare a swap partition before running
> the installation and Linuxrc (installation) offers the possibility to
> enable swap partition by appending a parameter to command-line.

The LiveCD should be able to do this - but that one needs to much
memory for these systems.  Something to look at for the future...

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
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