
RC1 is starting to look really good - not installing zen/rug now works
(thanks much!) and I really like the new installation categories and the
use of colour in the UI there.

Configuring and connecting to an update mirror first time round only
shows a zypp update - pretty clever. I didn't have the DVD media in the
drive though ("connected" the wrong cdrom in vmware) and got an error
involving  a delta.rpm - good. I click ok but then find I still had the
wrong DVD, so abort the update. Yast informs me "update completed,
restarting". Eh no, update not completed. On restart, zypp and a kernel
update are shown. This looks like a bug to me (no checking of return
status of the first update round) - or is this intentional? What's gonna
happen in case of a network error?


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