On 2006/12/02 21:42 (GMT+0100) Andreas Hanke apparently typed:

> Felix Miata schrieb:

>> Prior to updating from about beta2 to current factory tree today, I
>> downloaded and installed the kernel with rpm -ivh so
>> that the previous kernel would remain installed. I forgot to
>> reboot prior to running System Update, which proceeded to install
>> again, and remove :-(

> Don't take this as something evil, but I have wondered since quite some
> time what the purpose of these status report mails to the
> opensuse-factory list is.

When one doesn't know if observed behavior is or is not a bug, one asks
here rather than cluttering bugzilla and its QA people with another
likely invalid bug.

> If you think that any of the involved software components - be it YaST,
> the kernel package, the bootloader config scripts - misbehaves, file a
> bug. That's what Bugzilla is for.

Bugzilla is not for teaching people what program behavior is expected,
which is what happens when somebody files a bug without knowing if the
observed behavior is that way by design. In this case maybe my
forgetting to reboot to engage the new kernel means kernel installation
wasn't actually complete before the update process started - I don't
know, which is a reason why I came here rather than to bugzilla.

> If you need help setting up your system for a particular purpose, try to
> state as clearly as possible what you're trying to achieve. I read the
> text three times now and it's still not entirely clear to me what this
> is all about:

The updater installed software that was already installed, a substantial
unnecessary load on mirrors, and waste of my time waiting for the
unnecessary download from an already slow mirror.

> In addition, you might want to check whether the old kernel really
> disappeared or whether it's just the bootloader entry that was missing.

I checked. It was removed from /boot and /lib/modules, besides the boot
menu. That's how I know.

> Note that during a not quite correctly done system upgrade, the _old_
> version of YaST and its libaries are running. This means that you might
> suffer from bugs that have been fixed long ago. perl-Bootloader and
> yast2-bootloader had lots of them. Beta2 is very old.

Beta2 was actually a guess. I don't think the install was more than 3
weeks old, which, like virtually all my installs, was via ftp. The
possibility of already fixed bugs is another reason for coming here
rather than filing a bug. The kernel upgrade I did manually required
perl-Bootloader be upgraded first, which I did manually as well.

> That's why the recommended upgrade way is booting from the installation

I don't care what's recommended. I used a method offered. If it's
offered, it needs testing.

> media and choosing the system upgrade option from there. Doing a system
> upgrade within the running system means that you'll see and report old,
> known and already fixed bugs.

I have factory installed on 5 (or 6?) partitions on various hardware
combinations expressly for finding stuff that doesn't install or run as
intended. I don't burn CD's except on rare occasions, starting from an
installation kernel and and initrd downloaded from the mirror
immediately before starting in most cases, so that I don't have to type
in manually answers to the network and source questions every time, or
spend money wasting non-renewable resources.

It's disappointing to find so much reported weeks or months or close to
a year ago in bugzilla that didn't get fixed before 10.2 "release" state
was achieved. There's one in particular I reported against 10.0 (and
reproduced on at least 4 entirely different systems using 10.0, 10.1 &
factory) long before 10.1's first beta that remains unfixed now. I've
lived with it on my 24/7 box nearly a year now. Likely that box will see
10.0 replaced with Mandriva 2007 soon in order that I can stop being
constantly annoyed by it.
"Let your conversation be always full of grace." Colossians 4:6 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/
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