Felix Miata schrieb:
> The updater installed software that was already installed, a substantial
> unnecessary load on mirrors, and waste of my time waiting for the
> unnecessary download from an already slow mirror.

Now I finally got what it's about: You installed the -33 kernel and YaST
downloaded and installed the same kernel again.

The only way I can imagine this not being a bug is that the "rpm -i" has
been done while YaST was already running. That way YaST won't notice the
change because it reads the rpmdb on startup and doesn't lock it.

You might want to file a bug about this. Of course you will attach the

> I don't care what's recommended. I used a method offered. If it's
> offered, it needs testing.

It might be disabled at any time then ;-) (Already happened to other
features where it turned out that offering them unsupported doesn't
really work and resulted in more frustration than not offering it at all

> It's disappointing to find so much reported weeks or months or close to
> a year ago in bugzilla that didn't get fixed before 10.2 "release" state
> was achieved. There's one in particular I reported against 10.0 (and
> reproduced on at least 4 entirely different systems using 10.0, 10.1 &
> factory) long before 10.1's first beta that remains unfixed now. I've
> lived with it on my 24/7 box nearly a year now. Likely that box will see
> 10.0 replaced with Mandriva 2007 soon in order that I can stop being
> constantly annoyed by it.

A general hint: Posting that to this list without the Bugzilla ID
doesn't really bring the community any further. Writing something like
"I'll switch to Mandriva" is very demotivating because it basically
means that the bug doesn't need to be fixed because the only user
annoyed by it doesn't use the product anyway. This is very

You might, instead, try to be cooperative, i.e. show that you're still
interested in the bug being solved by moving it to the next product
and/or trying to fix it yourself and attaching a patch or a pointer into
the right direction. E.g. by looking at source packages of other
distributions where it works, finding out the difference and telling the
assignee about it.

Without knowing the Bugzilla ID, I can unfortunately only guess that the
engineer who is responsible for your bug has a long list of more
important bugs to solve that affect more people and you can't see that
list because the engineers responsible for openSUSE are responsible for
other products as well which are not public.

Might be considered frustrating, but at some point every community
member has to learn that there are bugs which will never be fixed. This
is common to all open source projects. I just tried to find a 2 years
old, unfixed bug in Mandriva's Bugzilla and of course it was a piece of
cake finding one.

Btw. I know that it's about #141443 because it's the only one you have
reported against 10.0 that is still open. In that case it's really
unfortunate, but as long as an engineer is unable to reproduce it, it's
simply impossible to get it fixed.

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