On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 08:31:34AM +0000, Francis Giannaros wrote:
> On Saturday 03 March 2007 00:12:15 Ted Bullock wrote:
> > For instance I currently see the following:
> > 251 Open bugs for 10.0
> > 683 Open bugs for 10.1
> > 1224 Open bugs for 10.2
> Wow, that is quite a few more than I thought. 
> > Surely the combined effort between the developers and community over the
> > course of a day or two could clean out the bug lists and identify tasks
> > that should genuinely be targeted for fixes.
> I really like this idea; KDE also has "bug triage weekends" in #kde-bugs and 
> they tend to be very successful. 

We internally call to our packagers and bug owners to review all their

But even I have >10 pending bugs and I try to be a role model ;)

Ciao, Marcus
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