On 3/3/07, Ted Bullock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Other bugs report the same problem, also with no conclusion

Maybe a post release bug cleanup activity could help here and in similar
instances?  Perhaps 2-3 months after a release the developers and
community could be organized into a one day bug review of the
outstanding bugs for the release and evaluate/assign them properly.

For instance I currently see the following:
251 Open bugs for 10.0
683 Open bugs for 10.1
1224 Open bugs for 10.2

Well, I really don't understand this counter. For me, SUSE 10.2 is
much more stable than 10.0 and 10.1 together, and less buggy overall.
Single reason: The KDE is much more stable.

I don't use the newer technologies, like Compiz/Beagle/ZEN/Rug/... for
my serious work.
So I propably don't notice any problems with them...

Wouldn't it be useful to review all those open bugs from the more recent
releases and see if they should be updated to reflect the state of
either the current release (10.2) or the factory (10.3), or possibly
close them if they represent problems that are negligible in recent

Surely the combined effort between the developers and community over the
course of a day or two could clean out the bug lists and identify tasks
that should genuinely be targeted for fixes.

Personally I would be willing to schedule a day or two toward such an
activity that I think would improve the quality of defect management in

I think that the Mozilla lightning/calendar project has the right idea
with scheduled community/developer test days.


Yes, I agree that Mozilla-style community bug-hunting days is a good idea :) !!

-Alexey Eremenko
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