Carlos E. R. wrote:
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The Saturday 2007-03-03 at 13:05 -0600, Rajko M. wrote:

Well, both is an extension, just one is fine for fast responses, and the other allows more asynchronous work that will group more people that might be not familiar with bugzilla and/or IRC, can't attend at the times that are scheduled, but still can help. Sorting out to one medium will do just opposite from what is wanted. I can use IRC in the most basic form. That and time constrains will prevent me from attending antibug fest.

What is the best can be decided on the run. I don't see the need to insist on one communication channel that fits for some purposes, and not for the other.

I agree with you and jdd: I just have never used IRC and I don't like it. I'm biased because till recently I did not have a permanent network connection, so irc was out of the question. Also, what I write I do slowly and thoughtfully, I can't correspond usefully on chat: I go back, read what I have just wrote and correct it.

I suppose many non English speakers would think similarly.

Also, I understand others will prefer chat: so let's have more than one method.

- -- Cheers,
       Carlos E. R.

As an English speaker, I never have liked IRC either, it along with Mobile texting remind me too much of the old clattering Reed Teletype machines of a bygone age, they were old hat from the day they were invented and worse still, built and shipped.

Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot
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